Reviews from

in the past

This game is such a slog. If you wonder why Pokemon allows disabling animations, here's an example of why. btw you love long dungeon crawlers in your turn-based JRPGs? No???? Well too bad. The only cool thing is getting a MetalGreymon early and wrecking the next few dungeons with them. Flamedramon isn't even colored right.

The first Digimon World was a bizarre and unique game. I did not like the switch to a more traditional JRPG at all.

Would have upsetted me if I kept going. I applaud kid me for seeing value in it.

wasnt into the mystery dungeon stuff at the time, and nowadays the game is just dull

Dunno WTF they were thinking going with this dungeon crawler style after achieving god-tier pet simulator, open world, RPG adventure in the 1st game. Veemon and WereGarurumon on the cover couldn't save this shieet.

Instead of improving on the interesting monster training systems of the first game, Digimon World 2 just tosses out the tub and the water and replaces it with a pretty standard Mystery Dungeon esque game. The game does a poor job of tutorializing basic things like how to capture a Digimon, evolution, and even how to add items to your inventory. It's funny that they decided to keep that from the first game even when Digimon 2 has been vastly simplified. It looks nice and the music is alright. The biggest detriment here is just the pace at which it moves. Battles move at a snail's pace due to the animations which quickly grow repetitive just due to sheer number of battles you'll be fighting. Making progress in the game is just not that fun. Honestly, if they had taken this concept to the GBC/GBA where it could have been scaled down and sped I could see this being a fun game to play on the shitter. On the PSX, while visually impressive especially for a budget title, it's just a drag to play.

This game really isn't as good as we all wanted it to be.

Everyone has games they would play until the end of time yet would never in good conscience recommend anyone else ever touch. For me, DW2 is the poster child for that kind of game. My love of the early seasons of the anime as a middle schooler and patience for grindy mechanics allowed me to slog through the game. It wasn't until I graduated high school nearly 8 years after its release did I finally beat it.

The leveling and gameplay loops can ultimately only come to be described as parasitic in every sense of the word. The in-game playtime tracker stops at 99 hours and 59 minutes, which is a point most people would be hitting well before reaching the halfway point in the main story alone. Even then, I'm a sucker for the earlier era of this franchise and can't deny the charm that it -does- have.

grinding: the game. It just so happens that this particular flavor of grinding is very tasty to me. wrapped up in a digimon tortilla and a vaguely interesting story makes this a childhood favorite. recommended to play on turbo speed mode

I was never huge into Digimon, but I was hoping for something good with this game. When I rented it I quickly discovered that the requirements for good evolutions were absurd. My Digimon kept evolving into Numemon, the little slime guy who sucks. Turns out that was a very common experience with this game.

i like this game for being a mystery dungeon like thing but the turn based combat makes it kinda slow too...i wanna try it again.

primeiramente se vc for jogar , use um guia digievolutivo, o jogo é legal e facil de entender na parte do combate , mas esse sistema de travar o LVL e te foçar a Fundi acaba se tornando muito cansativa e é meio caotica sobre oq vira oq , por mais de uma vez eu fundi digimons de leveis altos como 2 lvl 25 mas o lvl maximo do q gerol foi 22, me borxando muito de continuar fundindo e upando e n adianta pensar ´´vou levar um digimon LvL baixo pra uma luta q da muito EXP pra ele upar 4-5 LvLs de uma vez`` n funciona , por algum motivo mesmo q pra ir do LvL 1 pro 2 seja 20 de EXP q vc ganhe 500 , seu digimon só vai upar 1 LvL 1! LVL fazendendo os outros 480 EXP serem jogandos no lixo pelo menos a EXP n é dividida dentre os 3 Digiomo q vc usa na batalha , e pra piorar tanto Digivolver quanto Fundi só são feitas por meio de um NPC na Base q vc escolheu , te fazendo sair no meio de uma Domen ( DG ) para fazer isso freiando bruscamente um progresso , as Domens tem formatos fixos mas ao mesmo tempo aleatorio , vc achara o estilo delas muito repetitivo , mas depois vai agradecer q eles sejam assim , ja q vc vai entra e sair muitas vez te fazendo decorar sertos fromatos de andares , mas como nada é ruim o suficiente q n possa piorar , tem empecilhos irritantes dentro delas q tbm te forçara a sair no meio de uma Domen , são Bug, barreiras elétricas e pedras q necessitam de itens para serem removidos , um item para cada um e pra piorar ainda mais , a tipos diferentes de Bugs, EP q drena o combustivel , Bits q drena dinheiro , Memori q ocupa um slot vacio de digimon e o PIOR E MAIS IRRITANTE o de Return q manda um digimon aleatorio seu pro servidor q só pode ser acessado na cidade, cada um desses Bugs ficam no seu Digi-bettle( veiculo de locomoção dentro das Domens, q passarei a chamr de CARRITO q foi o nome q dei ) por tempo indeterminado e junto das pedras , paredes eletricas , pisos acidos e minas( q dão dano no CARRITO) tem niveis deferentes de ´´força/resistencia`` , te fazendo ter q ocupar espaço na ´´bouça`` com itens para cada um deles , ja ia me esquecendo tem baus nas domens e adivinhem , tem armadilhas dentro dos baus q junto das minas dão ou N danos aleatorios no CARRITO sendo de um baita rombo no HP quanto destruindo alguma parte dele. eu tinha um certo pre concetio com esse jogo , mas ele se saiu melhor doq eu esperava , só é uma pena ter tantos maneira meio ´´forçadas`` de fazer ele se alongar de mais, se fosse possível digivolver ou fundi manulmente sem sair das Domens ja seria menos cansativo e cortaria umas 20-30 hr de gameplay . um adendo eu terminei com o marcador de tempo no jogo de 99h 98min e é o limite mas no EMULADOR q tem opção de acelerar fico marcado com 160h , e como eu tava fazendo conquistas no RETROACHIEVEMENTS eu n usei Save Station

Really fun battle system but almost impossible to completely go through the game without cheating and stay sane. DNA Digivolving and Dungeons are just too repetitive and frustrating and grindy.

The black sheep that ends up somewhere between SMT and Mystery Dungeon without doing either extremely well.

This game is a dungeon crawler in which you drive a car around dungeons and fight/recruit digimon. You can join one of three teams with forte in specific Digimon types. Essentially your starter Digimon selection once you picked that Digimon you can only recruit Digimon of this type until a little later in the game. Battles are slow as you and your team of 3 Digimon take down opponents. Once they level up enough they can digivolve but this game pads things out with level caps. Once you hit a level cap you have to combine two Digimon together at similar levels to dedigivolve it into a more powerful lower level Digimon. Then rinse and repeat until you get to a high enough level to beat the game. You can also upgrade your car to survive traps and rougher terrain in later dungeons. The amount of Digimon in the game is great as you can create a lot of variety with different teams of Digimon. Levels are very bland and for the most part will look the same for the entire game. Some of he music is catchy and having once loved this game as a kid. It does not hold up today.

çok iyi bir oyun değildir ama oyunlarla tanışmamı sağlayan ilk oyun.

A confusing and extremely slow dungeon crawler that tries to make its fusion mechanic a staple but ends up disappointing by repetition and trial and error unless one has a guide at hand. At least behind all that there's kind of a good plot.

My most replayed Digimon game, even though I never finished it. (I became an expert at catching MetalGreymon.)

An average game that almost falls into the 'bad' category. It's a generic RPG with a long introduction, repetitive dungeons, and an annoying exploration system. It borrows many ideas from other games but executes them poorly. Play it only if you want to dive deep into the Digimon franchise.

dont pick up this game its a slog

It's pretty bad on multiple levels. The dungeon crawling is not fun and the loading times during battle can be quite severe. Also the hard level caps you run into before you DNA Digivolve are really annoying and I feel like it artificially pumps up the playtime.

However despite my low score, this is definitely a guilty pleasure for me. I just like assembling my team of Digimon and grinding away. I will fully admit it's a bad game though. Just a bad game I have a lot of nostalgia for.

This was THE game of my childhood. Everything about it screams "HEY REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU WERE A KID AND LIFE WAS EASY??". Hell yes I remember goddamn it T_T

Has a ton of flaws but was ahead of its time in many aspects of its gameplay.

From what i played, i enjoyed the turn based combat but the dungeon exploration doesn't make it justice.

Never made sense to me. My brother, however, loves this game.