Reviews from

in the past

The muddier visuals and loss of much of the voicework sting, but this is a good port of a terrific game otherwise.

ever wanted to play the PSP version of Disgaea 1 with lower-fidelity music, crustier visuals, almost no voice-acting, and a bonus option that lets the prinny commentate over the cutscenes MST3k-style? well boy, i've got the port for you!

okay honestly this wasn't TOO bad of a port for a kid back in the late-00s who had no sony consoles, but man, we've gone a long way since then, huh

but yeah just grab any other port of D1. preferably Disgaea 1 Complete or PC or heck, any other one. at least those don't have a game-breaking bug where one of Thursday's special moves can crash your game.

I grew up with this show, and for whatever reason I was thinking about flonne again. That's why this happened. The game play is really dated, and the ds is not a great way to play this. That's okay though I had a fun time with the characters. Even if it was just a really strange way of scratching a nostalgic itch.

Disgaea Hour of Darkness só que reduzido pro DS e sem a abertura em anime e as músicas icônicas em japonês

The only advantage this port has over the PSP version is the ability to recruit Pleinair. That's it.
Play any other version instead.

Play any newer version instead. DS port lacks voice acting and many improvements added in Disgaea Complite (HD).

Hoo boy, this one is rough. Disgaea Hour of Darkness is hands down one of my favorite games of all time and this version is... We'll start with the good stuff. It has all the content of the PSP version plus more Quality of Life options like faster movement speed options. The unique features of the DS are also great, I especially love the map screen and in general making good use of the dual screens to give additional information. The cons? The graphics, sound and performance are absolutely horrible. Everything is blurry and extra pixelated, the game has the frame rate of an N64 game and it chugs terribly in the item world. Even navigating the menus (Which you do a lot since this is a strategy game) is often laggy and unresponsive, ESPECIALLY in the item world. The music is also terrible, either being horribly compressed or bad midi remixes of the original soundtrack. As a cherry on top, almost voice acting has been removed, leaving you to wonder why they even left the scant few pieces of it in. Now back in the day, I'd say it was a serviceable port if it was your only option to play the game, but these days it's just a novelty. Much better versions of the game are freely available and my rating is largely influenced by the strength of the original release. Only check this one out if you're a huge fan of the game like me and are interesting in seeing the unique aspects of this port.

Me dejo con sentimientos muy mixtos pero no voy a negar lo disfrute

Disgaea es un obra maestra de los SRPG. (Un poquito superior que la versión de PC)

Tiene una historia excelente, con mucha comedia y que se hace super amena.

Tiene una cantidad absurda de contenido, entre personajes jugables, equipo, armas, objetos curativos, compañeros, niveles, postgame ridículamente basto, ofreciendo mil variedades a la hora de completar los niveles junto a una banda sonora excepcional.

La jugabilidad es el típico juego de combates por turnos pero con varias características que lo hacen único, y con un sistema de combos muy roto y divertido.

Esta versión de DS tiene la ventaja de que se puede emular con lo que cuentas con velocidad extra para farmear y para algunos combates, lo que lo hace mucho menos pesado a la hora de subir de nivel.

Es una bomba de juego para ser la primera entrega y viene en español, cosa que la versión en PC no hace.

Es un cuento de hadas.
Un cuento de hadas táctico en casillas RPG donde puedes llegar al nivel 9.999.
El granjeo es un infierno y muchos niveles son injustos, pero trae muchas mecánicas interesantes aunándolas en un batiburrillo entretenido para comer horas y horas.
Además tiene unos dibujos geniales y/o preciosos y una historia conmovedora con un reparto de catetos bien estúpidos que me llegaron al corazón.
De mis videojuegos favoritos para siempre.