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I wish Puzzle League was Panel de Pon

2 good puzzle games put together. While there are better versions of both Dr.Mario and puzzle league separately. These versions will hold you over if thats what your looking for. Can't really go wrong.

For the GBA I find these versions of Dr. Mario & Puzzle League to be quite good. As by no means are these the best these games have ever been, but they are also not the worst. Just simple well designed ports, which in my opinion has been developed and present in a well enough manner as to be quite fun.

Never forgiving what they did to my homegirl Lip

Two classic falling blocks puzzle games I wish were just a lot better.

Dr. Mario's physics for the blocks themselves just feels kinda wrong, like there's a sense that it adds too much momentum to the direction you want to slide to and can end up over shooting where you'd like to go.

In that sense, I think this might be one of my least favorite iterations of Dr. Mario if not for all the added options like a Vs com in single player or a special mode called Flash where you try to take out only specific viruses.

Puzzle League (aka Tetris Attack) on the other hand keeps much of the appeal with A LOT of game modes making this the superior game of the two, but sadly is a lot blander than it's previous ports. With some of the most basic font choices and lack of characters bouncing around the screen while the game plays. Even Dr. Mario had this.

In all honesty, this game could have been worse, but at the same time it could of been a whole lot better. I'd recommend this just for Puzzle League and just get Dr. Mario through the NES Classics port for Dr. Mario fun

Puzzle League is fine, but the more Dr Mario progresses the less charming it becomes.