Reviews from

in the past

This one is a stinker. It attempts to be realistic by having a fuel meter and a damage model for your car. This means that you have to pay to repair your car and refill your tank after each race. This feature sounds fine in theory but these cars chug fuel like no other, and turning without careening into a wall is nearly impossible.

In my extensive research, I could not figure out what the “DT” in DT Racer stood for. I can only assume that it was a coded warning of “Don’t touch” that I didn’t notice until it was too late.

i havent played this since i was like 7 but its still the worst racing game and one of the worst games period i've ever had the displeasure of playing

bad game but anyway me and my sister would purposefully drive backwards down the track and pick up speed so we could head-on collide with the other cars as they lapped us. who could've guessed that sending sports cars flying straight upwards and doing a bunch of fuckin flips as the hood and doors flew in different directions makes little kids laugh really hard. good game. no ive never played beamng what's that

Not a very good racing game. Clumsy physics that attempt to mimic simulation but only succeed in being frustrating.