Reviews from

in the past

Complete playthrough. Although originally a mobile game, that shouldn't be taken as a negative for this enjoyable puzzle dungeon-crawler. Set across 100 levels of gradually increasing difficulty, Dungeons of Dreadrock has consistently high production values and a great sense of humour, allied with all-important satisfying puzzle-solving. Each level takes place in a single-screen 2D top-down grid-based "dungeon", with the core aim being to reach the stairs to the next level - but with a wide variety of level-specific challenges to achieve that, from switch-based puzzles and cleverly planned movement patterns to more straightforward combat, which prove effective at maintaining the player's interest. A handful of the puzzles do become a little too obtuse, but fortunately a built-in hint system prevents these becoming a frustrating progress-blocker.

Alongside its inexpensive price, this all serves to make Dungeons of Dreadrock a very enjoyable way to spend a handful of hours, despite its humble-seeming appearance.

Dungeons of Dreadrock is a dungeon-crawling puzzle game with simple but satisfying gameplay and an overall very solid presentation.

In each level you move your character around grid based dungeon floors to figure out the way down the next set of stairs. You might have to figure out a path that avoids setting off any traps, a route that avoids a tough, unkillable enemy, or a sneaky way to activate a lever or button to open up a gate.

None of the puzzles/levels are ever going to be mind blowing, but each will be satisfying to solve without overworking your brain - and as a game to fill that light-puzzle niche, Dreadrock is very enjoyable.

oynadigim en eglenceli puzzlelardan

The puzzles felt clever without frustrating the player. I often felt surprised how the game kept introducing new ideas all the way through. I also kept having 'one more time' moments and couldn't put the game down. On top of the gameplay being good, the graphics are also charming, there is a simple story that is entertaining to follow, the dialogue is witty and there is even voice acting. I honestly don't know how the developer put so many things in the game while asking around €3. I paid €1 when there was a sale, but I would have definitely paid its normal asking price have I known how good it is. I can only conclude that this game is a labour of love and the price reflects that.

In terms of flaws, I can think of the following:
1. The UI is on the screen. It would have been better to hide it. The dev did mention a patch would cover this.
2. Only one puzzle felt cheap. Even this, the dev mentioned he's looking into making it better. There's also an in-game hint if you don't mind using it.

If you like puzzle games with retro graphics, then definitely give this one a try. This one is a hidden gem!

Hace un tiempecillo descubrí una pequeña maravilla de puzles llamada "Dungeons of Dreadrock".

🧩100 niveles realmente originales y muy variados que te harán comerte la cabeza para superarlos. Hace una genial mezcla de rompecabezas de acción enfrentándote a enemigos y jefes, de habilidad esquivando trampas y otros obstáculos, de ingenio,... Tiene un gran diseño de niveles.

Gráficamente es llamativo y con gran cuidado de detalles. Y la historia le va perfecta al juego.

Muy recomendable y es Gratis (con publi).

[Main Story]
A game with 100 small levels having its puzzle to do, having a story and a final Boss to fight. I loved the mechanics of the game and how it puts my head to work for the resolution, having tips in case the player is stranded or