Reviews from

in the past

short, generic, and tedious platformer. half-assed in every regard

This was one of those games I look back on from my childhood and go "Oh yeah, this existed"

Like another review said, it's essentially robot dinosaurs in space... Seriously, how do you turn the average 8 year old boys' dream into something boring and forgettable?

Dynowarz. Let's be honest - the spelling tells you a lot about this game. Its trying so hard to be "cool".... and man, it succeeds in the most "I am a child and love robots and dinosaurs" kind of way.

You play as Professor Proteus, or you control his giant robotic dinosaur, the Cyborasaurus.
There are two forms of gameplay : Proteus and his wonky jump mechanic traversing moving platforms over spikes while avoiding projectiles and jump-n-shooting, or the Cyborasaurus.... walking to the right and using one of the four available weapon types.
The game is fairly short if you don't mind using a few continues in the event you're not paying attention and die, easily finished in well under an hour.
Is this a good game? Eh. Not really.

But is it a fun game? I sure think so. The artwork when you first enter the Cyborasaurus is great looking, the music is a nice texture, and I enjoy shooting things from inside my giant robot dinosaur.

Dull, repetitive, easy, and jank. You get to pilot a giant robot t-Rex but they give you the most boring attacks.

Robot Dinosaurs in Space.
And it's a tedious slog.

An extremely easy game with bland graphics. The game is kinda fun though if you dont take it to seriously. The controls are fine and the music is whatever. A decent play if you like 2D platformers or just want a quick game to run through in 30 minutes.

Basically the NES version of a B-movie. Slightly below average platformer with a ridiculous premise, decent graphics and pretty good music. Once you play one level you've played them all.

It's almost like a weird Metroid reskin, but everything is worse and they decided to cover it up with Dinosaurs.