Reviews from

in the past

EA Sports' return to the links plays a good game of golf but falls into some of the modern sports game trappings.

The course selection is great, offering 30 courses at launch including all the majors. The gameplay feels good and the physics feel very realistic. I really begin to understand the challenge of some of these courses when playing through them.

While the career mode is true to life in how it follows the PGA schedule, there's not much creative going on here or in any other modes. There are challenges and tutorials that can help teach you the game, but these are mostly shallow and uninspired.

Where the game falters is the customization. There's a store where you can use in-game currency or microtransactions, which is problematic as one would expect. The items in the store are generally too expensive, resulting in the player having to play many hours to get the gear they want or pay real money. The selection rotates and is also pretty limited at the time of writing.

This is a good golf game that would be improved with more creative modes and better character customization. If you're ok with just playing a no frills golf game with a great course list, it gets the job done.

Boring and gets old fast. Not worth full price

Why the input lag at swing? Also career mode sucks.

It's fine, it brings back the leveling and customization of the old Tiger Woods games which I appreciate but it lacks the course creator and and some of the style of the recent 2K/Golf Club games. It's a more respectable sports game than recent Madden and NBA2K but not much more than that.

It's fun for a few weeks playing through career mode and some of the challenges to unlock equipment and gear. Unfortunately with no course creator, the replay-ability just isn't there compared to 2K golf.

better than 2k but it still gets boring fairly quickly like any golf game. i can only win every tournament by 20 strokes so many times