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in the past

Silly hack by the radiation man.

Basically Deltarune chapter 0.... Your choices don't matter!!!! It's fun to see the stepping stones for story telling elements and jokes for Undertale and Deltarune. Some neat moments, I appreciated the creepy enemies, especially the "Remember Me" enemy, the slowed down Onett theme was a guilty pleasure as someone who likes the genocide tracks from Undertale.
It's surprisingly grind heavy for a short game. Unless you're incredibly curious on the experience I wouldn't recommend, just listen to Megolovania

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while the initial transition from peaceful twoson or threebie or whatever number named town to whatever number named town's sewers is jarring in an intentional, well paid off way, its inability to stay committed to that changed voice is a huge point of failure that makes playing through the middle chunk of toby fox's halloween hack a tonally confusing slog. or in other words... it's silly, then it's dead fucking serious, then it's silly whoopsie grunty repeatus whacky hijinkal eat shit faggots megalovania immediately starts playing. experiencing this game's like you've got two tabs of a serious thriller and lighthearted comedy running and you're sort of just flicking back and forth between them arbitrarily. there are definitely ways to synthesize comedy and drama with more fluidity like contemporaries barkley, shut up and jam: gaiden or saints row 2 execute well themselves. or, lol, undertale itself--demonstrable proof of the value of putting yourself out there, accepting criticism, and then really sharpening up your work and concepts into something that reflects the ability you've since honed. you can see all these undertale-lite themes and ideas weaving in and out of the hack, so it sort of functions as an interesting capsule and demonstration of fox's writing level at this time. it also functions as a gore demonstration. like, he gets real visceral with how you kill enemies. the descriptions are so vivid that you don't even notice they're not animated.

this sort of writing is valuable--it's childish and immature in many aspects, but there's such undeniable potential for charm. it's written not like a voice that's putting in minimum effort or mechanically writing like a robot--it's a voice that's speaking because it's desperate to speak. and it's also apologizing for making the game so fucking tedious and overly difficult.

yeah... just flip on a level 99 and infinite health hack.

why isn't toby fox cancelled for this? he says bad words

I realize no one is ever going to actually talk about this game but like it IS interesting just because it's really hard and tries to get the most out of Earthbound's mechanics. The final battle is genuinely memorable.

imo it's too edgy sometimes but i really like it
i lost my save

ive known about EBHH since I was just fourteen really but ive Never actually played it myself and seen it firsthand, kinda just heard oh its broken oh its so edgy ohh its this and that

And i mean yeah it totally is LMFAO but in a funny way T B H id even go as far as to say that EBHH has the feel and bounce of some earthbound dialogue quirks but also clearly being written deranged in a way thats just .... hilarious??? Like theres some moments that are so mean spirited in dialogue that i cant even take it seriously

But aside from all that i genuinely do like the sprites and the weird use of the more unsettling music, the game balancing itself though could literally be some shit where "oh i guess i got my ass beat by a mushroom that can deal 540 damage now" (meanwhile ur at like 20 hp and lvl 1)
i feel like i can actually get some semblance of a good AU idea and journey in the darker aspects of the series and having a story where the remaining NPCs have to cope with bittersweet victory and loss

it's just that its also very silly about it and... lets go with Strange abt how it conveys these things

but its a 3/5 game purely cause its an actual finished earthbound hack
its funny(mostly)
and i actually do like the shakeups with the PSI learnset ig
Some of the tone and aesthetics are pretty pleasing to me too

this also connects the mother franchise with some series called brandish that ive never played before but apparently there's references to it in the dont care name select and other shit of that nature
i never played those though so this is the romhack equivalent of those cursed videos where duncan from total drama action is dying on his deathbed and everyone in the total drama cast is there but also abraham lincoln from clone high is there for some reason

h u h?

but yeah its WAY shorter of a game than Earthbound even is and if youre a MOTHER fan and u can put up with some dumb shit and horrible balancing and maybe getting softlocked for the holidays on accident...... distant seagull cry

Then yea try it, there's even the funny andonuts thing
i actually do think its interesting to explore him feeling bad but also he's kind of a goofy asshole thats inattentive to most ppl in his life anyways so this is sure is... A Interpretation. Funny that even way back when Toby was out here doin whatever you can taste traces of his writing/game design ideas here.

tldr; ea-

When factoring in how edgy the dialogue can get and the numerous spots that can softlock the game, I understand why Toby Fox has distanced himself from this "creepypasta-esque" Earthbound hack. It also doesn't last long enough to make much use of the original game's rolling HP dial mechanic. On the other hand, I love all the creepy enemy designs throughout the different worlds, and most of the humor hits a satisfying middle ground between Earthbound and Undertale. It's certainly faithful in terms of capturing the RPG experience of a world worth exploring in every detail. Hearing the first appearance of Megalovania is a wonderful historic event as well. If you enjoy Toby Fox's work, it's definitely worth checking out one of his very first projects (with save states used frequently).

The most interesting thing about this hack, if nothing else, is how a lot of the DNA of its themes and structure would eventually evolve and flourish into the UNDERTALE we know today. Yet, no matter how hard it tried to stand out, its only fitting that this ROMhack will only ever be remembered as nothing more than the "bad romhack with swears"

Punishingly difficult and humorless.

At least it's an interesting take on the EarthBound continuity and digs a little deeper on an otherwise glossed over plot point. Beyond that, it really is just "a bad rom hack with swears."

Its tge worst thing I have ever played. Its too hard and made by someone lacking in maturity. If he had been a bit older though it would have been amazing

brutally piss-hard, but for what it is just in the scope of the EB modding community you're looking at a piece of history. If you're not looking for something oozing edge and intentional pain and jank, just skip this. Otherwise this little thing has plenty of rather absurd ideas it throws around and somehow ends up as one of the more interesting pieces of fanfiction of the Mother series. Even this early on, Radiation had a deeper understanding of the many themes of the Mother series that has been lost on the modern communities, and several times more creativity.
For what it is, it wouldnt hurt to faceroll through this one once for the culture. Still waiting for Radiation to add the secret boss there, though.

This sure is a fangame where Dr andonuts says a slur

I decided to replay this out of boredom cause I remembered playing it in middle school and enjoying it which made me realize that I have gotten better video game opinions and also Toby Fox really improved after this.

The best about this game is to see how much Toby actually improved after this game.


Maybe it's been too long since I played Undertale, but I'm not sure I really understand the sentiment that undertale shows some crazy growth over this; the most memorable parts of that game to me always were the music (which uh, is here) and the writing, which is very funny here too (and it's not like it's hidden away either, half of the NPC dialogue in Twoson is already that level. The item descriptions and other easter eggs at that point are just a bonus). The story writing is edgy yes, but like... it's for Halloween (you may notice it's in the name) and also has tons of jokes besides; is The Evil Dead "too edgy" to those who say this? I admit that's a bit of an exaggeration as the shifts here are sometimes jarring, and the hack's no masterpiece of narrative for damn sure, but it comes up with a good justification for a hellish version of the EB world to exist and then an original-ish way of pushing the player through it which is more than I ask of almost any mod.

Part of that 'originality' (at least compared to the original game) unfortunately includes a near-mandatory grind that I would say is a pretty inexcusable timewaster for a fan project with such little content besides. The original enemies honestly include some quite nice Halloween enemy ideas, more outwardly horrific ones, and corrupted/funny riffs on existing enemies, so either having more of those or enough of an EXP boost to not have to fight each type 100 times would probably help to keep the luster of the moment-to-moment experience of playing the game. Fortunately, the bosses are all pretty great and generally are beatable enough that you won't wear out their impression via constant retries -- the fact that the grind is still necessary though makes this a double-edged sword as it is in fact moving through the areas between bosses without getting your party wiped by near-unavoidable mob ambushes that makes up the real challenge.

Overall, worth a play for anyone interested I would say; plenty of romhacks and mods try to have stories but few can elicit a reaction from the player, be it fear or laughter, aside from the anger that a difficult one can prompt. The Halloween hack at varying times achieved all three reactions, which I think is no small feat for a small project.