Reviews from

in the past

i love the hell outta this game, nothing more said.

Feels like more of an interactive art installation than a game most of the time. Dizzying ol' graphics. Good music.

The game is a very interesting experience, however is so epileptic prone that I have a hard time reccomending it. Besides that, it's a visual and audio pleasure. It's a walking simulator so take that as you may.

ENG: Peculiar commentary about the problems that virtual reality can bring, which, unfortunately, ends in nothing. I appreciate the effort to evoke sensations and feelings through such well achieved small virtual worlds. But it doesn't work for me. It is not enough for me. They are mechanically unimaginative and their narrative seems insipid to me. I won't deny that it boasts a very interesting and varied visual design throughout the game. But that's all it is, and little else.

ESP: Peculiar comentario acerca de los problemas que puede acarrear la realidad virtual que, lamentablemente, termina en nada. Valoro el esfuerzo por evocar sensaciones y sentimientos a través de tan bien logrados pequeños mundos virtuales. Pero no me sirve. No me alcanza. Pecan de ser poco imaginativos mecánicamente y su narrativa me parece insípida. No voy a negar que presume de un diseño visual muy interesante y variado a lo largo del juego. Pero es eso, y poco más.

A standalone and experimental Duke Nukem 3D mod that's a borderline walking simulator. I'm very likely overrating it but I just really like environments and the ambience they bring.