Reviews from

in the past

It took rampant save scumming but I got to credits on this title. I've played this game a few times over the years, but this is the first time I finished it.

Cripes, this game is hard and not in a good way. The movement is held back by the clunky controls. Any mech game can have some clunk to it, but there's too much in this title. A lot of dealing with obstacles requires foresight in which sub-weapons you take with you and when's the ideal time to use them. The consequences for inoptimal performance are longterm. You start the next level carrying over how little energy you have left and how few weapons you got in your arsenal.

The reason why I wanted to play this is because this is an early game for me. I have a nostalgia for watching my brother and father play this when I was too little to game. Even if I was only watching, the world of Thexder 2 was intriguing.

Kind of weird how I played this, a game about preventing an asteroid from striking Earth, while playing Goodbye Volcano High, though.

An improvement over the first by way of adding upgrades to the gameplay, and better visuals, but not nearly enough of an improvement five years after the first to be competitive with the best of its contemporaries.