Reviews from

in the past

A solid start to the new chapter of Fortnite. The delays were pretty annoying though.

boats are the best part of this game

Foi muito bom no inicio, mas ficou meio massante.

Have had my fun with fortnite, and put more money into it than im proud of, but I think its had its time for me now. Gunplay is solid and I like how they're constantly introducing new things even this far into its life, but I will always hate the building mechanic and will stand by my opinion that the game would be much better with it removed.

considering this my battle royale review.

The game is super fun, very polished and still getting consistent updates to this day. The building mechanic was fun, until the skill ceiling got so high it reached the stratosphere. However, the no building mode is insanely fun.

Great at the start with tons of new content and ideas to explore, but jesus this season was boring... There was literally NO CONTENT apart from GOD DAMN STAR WARS and the fucking harpoon gun, that's not a season...

It was enjoyable (Fortnite always is) but this season badly needed more content, BADLY

all the chapters can be rated separately so im doing it FUCK all of this except s4 and 7

The chapter as a whole is overhated IMO. Season 2, 3, 4 and 7 were really fun. there was only really two bad seasons and those were 5 and 6.

Chapter 2 season 1 was pretty good overall but it went on way to long without any new content. New map took a bit of getting used to same with new guns bit was pretty good.

I played three games on my switch because I was bored. Somehow I won all three of them and never touched Fortnite ever since. 3/10 for the three wins.

do you guys like products?? do you guys like to consume brands and products? do you clap when you see the funny character? the funny character you recognize from the funny media property? do you like to spend money on products? do you remember when the funny thing happened in the funny piece of branded media? do you remember this?? huh??? thanks for the reddit gold!

this isnt even a game anymore

boring as hell and lacked so much
only reason i rate it a 1.5 is because chapter 2 was really good at the first few weeks

chapter 2 improved on what this one started

Minha Review:
3° jogo que eu passei de 1000 horas e 1° jogo que eu passei de 2000 horas, o jogo popularizou o crossplay e fez parceiras com todos os tipos de empresas, gosto disso

For its children's audience many people have prejudice with the game, is well underestimated, fortinite delivers everything you need to get it right, well placed color palette, creative mechanics, non-realistic factors etc ... Being a fun battle royale.

I nice change. But wasn’t perfect, new areas were cool, with the swim feature and fishing. This was a nice change of pace… but it still had building… so.. yeah. Not THAT nice


Hm. Not exactly sure where to start with this season. When this season first came out, it was some dope ass shit, I don't know how Epic did it but it felt like an entirely new game when you first logged on. New map, new defaults, new battle pass, leveling past 100, boats, swimming and more. A great start to a season, but the awfully mid battle pass and uninspiring map could not carry this season through its excruciatingly long runtime. Obviously, the Chapter 2 map sucked ass, everyone knows this, but people had been begging for a new map for a while so it felt refreshing at first, but the feeling wore off almost immediately. There was a lot of new, but it was all dumped on everyone so fast and then there was nothing for so long. This season ran through Halloween AND Christmas and yet, it had no distinct feel to it, I mean, what was the theme this season? Alter egos? Why? That is so stupid it is actually insane. Also, the new pump design sucks. If there is one Fortnite season that contributes the most to the death of its distinct feeling and vibe, it is certainly this one with its terribly rehauled graphics and unnecessary redesigns to everything, but at least all the new stuff was fun for like a week or something.

e talvez tenha sido aqui (não sei exatamente) em 2019, que começou umas das minhas duas maiores amizades online... amava demais comentar, rir, conversar sobre coisas aleatórias e ter uma harmonia muito grande em um jogo online... a mina segunda amizade online foi tão inesperada e só me deixa lembranças boas. ❤️

fortnite é um jogo bom, mas foi cagando na jogabilidade ao longo dos tempos (talvez para tornar o jogo mais acessível entre os malucos que jogam o dia inteiro), além de ter uma comunidade um pouco ruim por causa das crianças, me divertiu por um longo tempo, principalmente as animações que me causava por poder ver um show online, até mesmo comemorar o ano novo umas duas vezes (que me deixou muito emocionada), os presentes natalinos e a felicidade de ganhar a primeira skin e o primeiro passe de batalha de graça de um jogo que eu amava e era fascinada... você tem um carinho especial por mim, fortnite. ❤️

I might come back to this game since I had fun playing it with my friends

people who say this is better than any other season is lying. we got a christmas update and a harpoon gun within a 6 month season. actual worst season ever

Season 2,3, and 4 made this season man