Reviews from

in the past

The first thirty minutes of this game were as boring as watching paint dry. According to the reviews I read online, it doesn't get better later on, so I jumped ship early.

It's not a bad game: it's a fun concept with great art style that doesn't land quite well. You have 8 warriors and, if anyone is killed inside a level, you lose the warrior 'til you pass it with another one. That is great!

The problems come with the execution: if the characters are random, I can't be atached to them, and the buffs and debuffs are interesting, but not when applying so randomly. The boss fights are... fine, but the levels are long and you will do a little plataforming knowing that the physics are terrible and, if you fall, you lose the warrior. The fact that you don't know the order of the bosses neither, makes it a 50%-fun clusterfuck.

Clunky combat, outdated visuals. The Boss fights are probably the highlight of the game, but the sections that lead up to the bosses are really unecessary and take the game down.

I also didn't like that the party members get buffs and debuffs randomly, I didn't see how such a system made the game any more fun.

Despite being a central element of the game, the combat is so unbearably cluncky