Reviews from

in the past

No one else played this game shaking and crying

Growlanser III: The Dual Darkness re-introduced conventional RPG structure and quirks that hark back to the first Growlanser. A more serious tonal change led to a strong penchant for documenting negotiations, civilian crises, and wartime tactics during cutscenes - not just conflict or humor, while also giving more weight to player choices. Enhancements to its predecessor's mission creativity also applied itself to random encounters as well, and the addition of light base building (more akin to Breath of Fire II than Suikoden) shows some promise. However, now that they've implemented randomly generated dungeons and typical world map encounters with lots of backtracking, the volume of fights gets a little wearing.

This is surprisingly my favorite growlanser game with a lot of tiny hidden secrets. The only thing I'd dock a score for this game is that it's "too easy". Not because it's hard to clear, but you have to be a little bad at the game to experience 100% of what the game has to offer.