Reviews from

in the past

originally a boring third-person FPSMMO, the players refined the metagame to the point at which decent play requires 6 to 8 key inputs per second.

jogo mais skill based que eu já vi, incrível demais.

Fun fact: this game blatantly ripped off a lot of its maps from existing movies/games.
The map "Prison" has a portion thats the shower room from a movie called The Rock (1996) -

The map "Mansion" is straight up the mansion from Devil May Cry 1 -

The map "Dungeon" that is actually a quest map (meaning it has like 5 different stages to it you have to pass by) is literally Mines/Mountains of Moria from LOTR -


infelizmente morreu por causa dos hack

Take me back to a simpler time when all I had to worry about was hackers with infinite grenade explosions and the guy with 900 ping.

If only this was advertised and continued to this day, this would be one of the hardest game to play competitively.

Jump > Dash > Slash > Block

i get off to people playing this game well

It's amazing to me no one picked this up and made a modern remake. One of the most fun multiplayer I played when I was younger

was fun when it came out but i bet in this era of everyone min maxing super meta'ing the fun out of everything i bet this would be so bad now.

How do you even rate a game when the mechanics are shitty but unintended dynamics and glitches make the game very fun and engaging?

shit game that somehow made all other third person shooters boring. who doesn't love wallruns and dashes

I played this game awhile back, it was awesome.

Acredito que se tivesse continuado, teria formado um cenário competitivo ENORME, porém, o jogo morreu :(

Tempos que não voltam...

bring this game back you cowards

"Let's Rock!"
A friend of mine introduced our group to this crazy game during school time, and we played it together. At first, it felt quite bizarre but funny nonetheless. While everyone eventually gave up, I continued playing and never regretted it. I had a lot of fun with this game. There was a point where I felt I was finally mastering it, and then I stopped playing for no particular reason. Some years later, I decided to pick it up again, but everything felt different. I was a noob once more and had to relearn everything from scratch. Despite that, I still enjoy returning to it from time to time. It's a lot of fun with all the crazy moves like running through walls and jumping. This game never achieved mainstream popularity, but I believe if it ever did, it would truly rock.

underrated movement shooter that my brother kept getting in trouble for putting on my moms work laptop

The game had a lot of bugs, yet players found how to use them to fly around the map and being able to do more APM and faster/safer shooting. My hands were shaking after every gaming sessions since those bugs where really micromechanically intensive.

It's probably the peak of action MMO gameplay. I miss it, there's nothing like it out there, even singleplayer.

It's sometime in the first half of 2005. The new Xbox has yet to release, but I've played the "Call of Duty 2" demo maybe twenty-five times at Best Buy. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and Batman Begins are playing at the theatres. In the fall, at school, I will discover a brand new website called "YouTube". The family computer, a 2004 Compaq Presario SR1000, is running GunZ the Duel at ten frames-per-second; the fan sounds like an idling Harrier. I am almost, but not quite, twelve years old. I don't even know how good things are, and how bad things can even get...

Absurdo de bom, o combate é muito divertido especialmente porque tem como subir em paredes e nenhum outro jogo trouxe algo parecido até hoje

arguably one of the highest skill ceiling games I've played
never liked the "p2w" aspects of it since I was a kid but eh