Reviews from

in the past

lol this update blows
microsoft pulled the plug on funding so what was clearly meant to be a full season got butchered and sold in the store to cash out

the new map and other stuff is fun and all but yeah this game’s done for

shame that this had to happen right as they were making it good. oh well

Its a crying shame that they got rid of the season pass system for Operations. You see those armor bundles that are on sale for 20 dollars? That was definitely supposed to be in the 50 tier pass that they probably scrapped. It really just feels like a complete downgrade.

The new 4v4 map is fun for Socials, but thays pretty much it.

We're so not back. We've never been more not back omfg I hate 343.

They can't even be fucked to give the updates names anymore. That's where we're at now.

Não sei por que as texturas do multiplayer estão levando horas (literalmente) pra carregar. Pra piorar o jogo está engasgando muito e bugando os controles depois que colocaram Anti-cheat. Sem falar na formação de partidas lenta!

A poor downgrade from the last season how are you just going to add just 1 map at the launch of the update, isn't this a "content update" might as well be a shop update considering how many fucking items there is with stupid price marks. Disappointing how most of the shop items just couldn't be in a battle pass. The operation pass is pretty good but, I would've favored a battepass instead with all the cool shop stuff in it that would've been the best outcome. The Mark IV is absolutely glorious no doubt about that, and alongside with cross core shoulders (thank god finally). Mark IV is probably the best looking core in my opinion but, again it's a ashamed this would be the last of halo infinite support it's only going to get riddled with expensive cosmetics. Hopefully the team puts their all on the next Halo and actually deliver a good impression when that day comes.

since were technically on CU31 now I figured I should just review this already

lets just get it out of the way
this update sucks

I still think operations are ass and basically everything newly added in this update was cosmetics

don't get me wrong the cosmetics (besides the chimera ones) are god damn fantastic

My personal favorites is obv the mark iv core and armor
but also the classic AR and the banished themed armor and weapon models

but cosmetics are still cosmetics
not to mention most of this shit was in the store and heavily overpriced instead of what could have easily been a $10 battle pass

but yeah gameplay wise the only things this update added was a kinda new mode, 1 new dev map and 2 new forge made dev maps (well at the time of writing this Corrosion actually isn't out yet)

I mean yeah that 1 new dev map aka illusion is great
and they did also overhaul a few playlist to add in some more community forge maps

but thats just my biggest issue with this game right now
the community is doing all the work

and im not trying to discredit the devs hard work
I do think CU31 was a pretty cool update

and im not trying to discredit the community forgers either
their maps are amazing and deserve to be in official matchmaking

but again
the only things gameplay wise added this update that were dev made was
1 new dev map
2 new dev made forge maps
and a kinda new mode

and im gonna be honest
the kinda new mode aka Gruntpocalypse im pretty sure could have been made in custom games

its also not that fun

and the forge made dev maps?
im sorry they look like ass
especially when compared to community made forge maps

now sure looks aren't everything
the most important thing is how they play

Elevation for example was praised on how it plays because of its fun little low grav area/gimmick

kinda reminded me of a reach map

but still a kinda mid dev made forge map being the only thing cyber showdown 3 added gameplay wise while the shop was filled with a insane amount of newly added, kinda ugly and heavily overpriced cosmetics

like I think you get the point
that fucking sucks

which reminds me
quick rundown of the operations

spirit of fire was cool
cyber showdown 3 sucked
yappening 2 is alright

nothing about any of these is really that special however and they seriously don't feel like events

maybe yappening kinda does since it has the new firefight mode

but all of these really just feel like shop updates

huge downgrade from season 5

I've been logging each season of Halo Infinite as I've finished the battle passes for the past year or so now. I stopped playing the game during the first season because of how unbearable it was to play, but hopped back on during the tail-end of season three. Since then, I had been playing it daily.

I left reviews for every season up to three. I was currently playing through season four, as well as the new operations. I had a whole layout planned in my head where I was going to talk about how the integration of the infection mode was poorly done, how 343's weird obsession with adding pointless things to the mode completely ruins it every time, but how ultimately, the season felt like a step in the right direction. I was excited to write that when I finished the infection battle pass.

But I just can't. I can't bother playing this anymore.

The removal of the daily xp rewards, and the horrendous implementation of spartan points has completely obliterated the fun of this game for me. I don't have fun playing matches because the skill based matchmaking puts me against people who are either sweaty try-hards or people who are way to easy to obliterate. I don't have fun with the customization because of how boring and pointless every piece of it feels. And now, I can't even easily level up once a day. There is just nothing left to enjoy. I can't even have a good time playing with my friends anymore.

I'm just done with this game now. I sure hope the next Halo installment fixes all of this game's problems. But I have my doubts.

Well this is disappointing. 343 clearly had season 6 mostly complete but Microsoft pulled the plug on it to get the studio working on a new game. It's evident the devs weren't happy about this considering they didn't even give this update a name and shoved all the armor pieces on the store for $38. Only one new map?

It seems the strategy was to get Infinite to good standing with the player base with the past 2 seasons and then cash out with a pitiful "content update."

The beginning of the end for Infinite. I'm a little disappointed because it never really felt like it "got started" thanks to all the launch issues, poor progression hooks, etc. When you consider that the game took a whole year to make playtime feel worthwhile, putting Infinite on the backburner in 2024 feels a little sad.

Maybe Halo 7 will be cool from the start!

Editors Note: He also said this about Halo 4, 5, and Infinite before their launches

Chale, si preferia el sistema de temporadas con eventos menores.

I mean.... the Mark IV is fantastic and the small things added were nice but the lack of a season name, insane shop inflation and no full battlepass? 343 must be moving on from Infinite...

I know that CU29 hasn't ended yet (Which was originally supposed to be Season 6: Spirit of Fire, but they had to scrap it) and it's weird really. We don't even know when CU30 is going to come out.

But back on topic, CU29 is honestly one of the worst responses to Halo Infinite's content issue since Season 2. CU29 genuinely gives me "The Season 2 content drought" war flashbacks.

But at least there's far more maps and playlists now than their was back in 2022. The other big thing to note about CU29 is that they did away with the battlepass that gave you back the credits that you'd use to buy them, and opted for smaller, shitter 10-20 tier "operation" passes that don't have some credits that you can get back, but sure as shit have double XP boosts- like as if you weren't sitting on 200 of those already.

The only good thing about CU29 is that they added the Mk IV core, which I personally don't care for but I know a lot of people do, and they expanded on cross-core with cross-core shoulders and they made more pre-season 3 coatings cross-core.

Also the majority of the content that WOULD'VE been in the battlepass is currently in the shop. That's nice. Thank you 343. Thank you for giving me the privilege of licking your filthy boots one last time before you cast all of us who supported this game since the beginning to the side to work on your next Halo game that LET'S BE FUCKING HONEST- is going to be just as shit as Halo 4, Halo MCC at launch (and rn), Halo 5, and Halo Infinite. Thanks 343. Maybe your army of rabid zoomer Halo fans who were born in 2010 will support your future endeavors, but I sure as hell wont.

Just when you thought the game was finally in a place where they could properly update it, they pull the rug out from under you and basically say it’s over. Basically all new features were just more cosmetics and new ways to squeeze all your money out of you. The new map is pretty awesome though, feels like how Combat Evolved did it.

It is honestly sad to see that now this game is essentially finished, it has kind of been abandoned.

Yes, content is way more regular now and yes, they are releaing some really cool shit! Where the issue lies is the fact that the store is probally at its worst. 88% of content in events you have to pay for now and if you were to buy it all it would cost hundreds of pounds. Now seasons are gone, it reeally feels like they don't care about this game anymore and have moved away from it. My response to this is if they don't care, then why should I?

This review is kind of a closing statement on Infinite's multiplayer as a whole for me. I do like it and I still play once a week if not more but my interest is slowly fading as the devs clearly are starting to move away from it just as it got to its peak which is such a shame. Everyone was raving on about how good it will be that we get a F2P Halo game and from the second they announced this I felt like I was the only person not happy about it as I predicted exactly what has become of this game and how heavily it would focus on paid content.

Overall, I do like this game a lot but it is just ifuriating as a long time fan to see my favourite franchsie fall to the lows of live service. I think has been mace clear again and again that live service games do not work. It is an excuse to release an unfinished game and this is a prime example.