Reviews from

in the past

RPGMaker farming sim is an ambitious ask, and for the most part I think it's done very well. It's not as freeform as a Stardew but I don't think it needs to be, or even should be. The farming mechanics, while limited, are varied and rich enough to make the initial sprinkling of horror that much more impactful. Honestly I found myself getting more caught up in the farm mechanics and forgetting about the plot for some stretches. There's a lot of exploration and discovery at play. Plot was eh, I mainly enjoyed the subtle horror nudges you get before the endgame kicks in: a shift in music, a trail of blood you don't recall seeing there last time, a missing animal or two. But the actual scariest part of the game is the stamina and fatigue system. If you chafe at stardew's stamina limitations you'll absolutely hate this, but I love to suffer and eat 100 steamed crabs a day

Ambitious, but not compelling in its current state. Unfortunately I find the sister very annoying and the payoff not worth the grind. Maybe I'll pick it up again, I don't know.