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holy peak

copying from my status but game genuniely made me feel uncomfortable, like when keiichi kills "teppei" and when he attempts to dig him up with ooishi and the others around. honestly change of ooishi personality from the other chapters really told me something is unusual and unnerving here, along with that satoko head pat scene where she has a breakdown. and the exploration of keiichi's psyche through to killing teppei to him acknowledging the curse he can put on others was pretty great as well. my favourite chapter so far honestly.

...of course, the SoL is still abominally paced but i thought it was fine until the baseball part and irie's initial introduction. irie was plausible but i just feel some other ways about his character. the scene with him and keiichi at satoko's house was alright writing for him.

also like how in the afterparty they say meakashi is coming up next and then himatsubushi happens.

É so eu ou o mundo esta ficando cada vez mais louco???

-Maebara Keichii

oh my goood
he fucking deaaad

Way less slow than the previous chapters and also the dark atmosphere it creates felt really tense and confusing at times, I liked it.

Amazing. Horrific and unpredictable. The ending was very interesting and the slice of life content has started to grow on me.

The trickiest of the Q arcs to solve for me currently as it doesnt have a corresponding A arc but well written and brings a lot of new things in after Watanagashi. I cherish Satoko and want no harm to come to her.

I found this to be by far the creepiest arc on the questioning side, and it's very lackluster from a story perspective as well.

simplesmente o melhor ep até agora, deixou os outros 2 mamando

O que foi isso que eu acabei de ver... Como pode eu chorar, sentir medo, felicidade, raiva tudo isso de forma tão demasiada em momentos diferentes num mesmo capítulo...

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(minor spoilers kind of not really)

easily the best climax of the 3 so far, and honestly the ending was pretty good too. i think it's finally starting to delve into meta timelines/loops, so im pretty excited to see where it finally goes, unless im looking into it too much and they never realize there's a loop lol. anyway, i still enjoyed onikakushi's scenario the most, but this one i still think is better for the climax/falling action. which i think its odd i think that, because i think it has the worst lead up to "the good part" and it was dragged out too much, but seeing the murder plan was great and it hooked me as soon as it started. man, how is it i was the most bored in the semi-good part but still enjoyed it the most? ill have to sit on that.

as of now, onikakushi has the best scenario. watanagashi has the best ending, and this has the best climax/falling action. my only wish is for it to delve into meta timeloops in the later episodes. time for episode 4. this might be the last game of 2021 lmao

This chapter consists in witnessing how Keiichi becomes the greatest character ever written, and the best part is that he becomes even better later during Minagoroshi

yeah this is where shit starts gettin real LOL

This is so far the peak of Higurashi, this whole chapter is amazing from start to finish, Satoko went from being my least favourite main character to one of my favourite characters overall. A specific tip in Day 7 killed me inside, which is the only time this game had this much impact on me. The second half of this chapter is just perfectly written and crafted, Keiichi really shows how good of a MC he can be, and the entire ending of this left me in awe. If it does get better than this, I'm in for a ride.

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Pretty good! Ch2 was an improvement over 1 I thought in that the slice-of-life first half is still driven by an actual plot (what's the deal w Shion?), but this taking it even further with Satoko worked really well.

If there's one complaint I have, it's that I felt like the plot kind've peaks with the night of the Festival, and then... keeps going for a good while. And it has a lot of good, exciting/sad/intriguing moments still. But I think since I'm used to the time loop format now, I basically checked out after Keiichi kills Satoko's uncle thinking 'OK, and then Keiichi's gonna die horribly any moment now'. I'm not sure the tension and horror particularly works for me when I know it's happening for the third time. (It also doesn't help that the volcano gas thing feels like a ridiculous escalation - and yes, it's an interesting mystery, but it feels like such a wild ass pull I really need to put my faith in future installments for this to feel satisfying).

With that said, the glimpses of Satoko's sheer terror triggered by random innocuous actions was really effective, enough that it doesn't really matter her uncle is barely a character despite being crucial to the chapter. That one TIP with the sad picture of Satoko in the background over stats on child abuse w a scare chord playing sounds like a shitpost but it was genuinely so chilling too.

Without a doubt my favourite of the chapters so far and overall just an incredible time. The sense of rising tension within the story is palpable, with things being so consistently oppressive in its atmosphere that it feels almost sickening as things perpetually worsen. The feelings of hopelessness get driven deeper and deeper with situations that are clearly impossible to solve simply the moment any thought gets put into it, and Keicchi's usual impulsive emotions being even more painful to witness as a result. A very visceral, uncomfortable experience all around and it ends up compelling me to basically immediately continue onto chapter 4, though as before I'll let this one sit with me for a couple days first.

El mejor capítulo hasta ahora con diferencia. Los puntos fuertes de la forma de escribir de ryukishi07 como la introspección y el terror psicológico toman más fuerza que nunca en este episodio.

This one is just Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number if it was evil and demented

Ryukishi did it again
Even though I liked Satoko's and Keiichi's relationship halfway through it got pretty unfulfilling and I wanted them to end on better terms :(
But other than that Keiichi my goat, Satoko peak

(vague non contextual spoilers)

i think this might be the most disquieted i've felt playing any sort of game whatsoever. trauma gazing descent into delusion stressfest. wide eyed depravity.

contrary to general criticism i see floating around here, i quite enjoyed the way it seemed to keep going after its supposed "peak" to keep it brief, suspending the anxiety to an agonisingly slow pace and wondering where it could possibly go from here; somewhere bad, evidently. i can also see why the ending might be divisive, but while my wound of finishing this title is fresh i find it to be devastatingly powerful.

haunting voice performances, higurashi's typical superstitions grounded in a filthy reality. mouth agape staring at my monitor at 1am-core. onto the next.