Reviews from

in the past

Trás de volta tudo que o chapter 1 fez de melhor, e ainda desenvolve um pouquinho o protagonista, e seu final...incrivel

finished 1 and 2 then i dropped it on this one, higurashi is not good

The more chaotic part of the questions arc from how I see it, leaving you to more confusion rather than comfort as intended. I enjoyed this just as much as the first chapter for the madness that ensued. For a chapter that focused on Satoko, it was the most emotional of the questions arc and introduced more about her character that was well done.

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teppei houjou die challenge

Peak fiction. While it may not be the best arc of Higurashi, it’s definitely by far the best question arc. It’s realistic writing, and how hopeless you feel during it, is absolutely amazing. How you see the struggles of Satoko and Keiichi, and how you just feel so mentally exhausted from reading this, is how amazing this chapter is. 9/10, 4.5/5

when i think of what i loved about higurashi, my mind goes to this one. the themes and character interactions really left a mark on me and are what i remember most about the vns. also that ending, jesus christ.

Way better than the previous 2 chapters.

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The step up in quality and focus from chapter 2 to 3 is mindblowing. I don't know what the reasoning was behind it aside from chapter 3 (presumably) being more important in the overarching story, but the music, CG’s and even plot as a whole were impressively better.

It being introduced as a Satoko chapter was the most anticipated I had been due to her lack of development outside of the club. And while the chapter delivered that tenfold, this wasn't Satoko's chapter. This was a veil that eventually revealed itself as a chapter about Keiichi and his psyche. The 3 part act where he decides to kill Satoko's uncle, goes through with it, and then gets rid of the evidence is the peak of the VN so far. While the VN is sometimes lacking in the music department, it really knows how to set a scene. The rain, lack of music and the dumb shovel sound effects all worked to enhance the scene of burying the body. And then after the VN shows its teeth, has Keiichi commit the act and has the reader believe it could be over. Until whatever the fuck happens and he isn't dead. the following chapters were almost just as good as the murder plot. Culminating in literally every 1200 members of the town dying. This chapter (and chapter 2) i feel will only get infinitely better with context from later chapters. While the demon stuff with Mion dampened the ending of Chapter 2 slightly, I feel like Chapter 3 already learnt from that, and went balls to the wall throughout.

I'll admit the supernatural stuff being all but fully admitted is disappointing, but that for the story to work, it couldn't solely be people killing other people. Though I'll also admit the curse and it's uses were much better in chapter 3.

Chapter 3 also did something new in showing a body, chapter 1,2 and 99% of 3 led its scenes of brutality and gore with black screens and explanations. And it worked. Until the end of chapter 3 where you see Rika's body being eaten by crows (albeit still no gore, just some blood running from her eyes). This chapter showing a corpse is a culmination of how I have no fucking clue what is going on anymore. the remaining FIVE chapters could pull anything out and I anticipate that essentially anything can happen.

Another surprise was the abundance of CG's in chapter 3. There was double what chapter 1 and 2 had combined. I'm sure this applies to everyone, but CG's just work so well in describing how a scene truly is. I'll never forget the best ones from chapter 1&2, and 3's highlights will also last in my brain for a while.

Le gameplay est nul à chier

Le Tome 3 fut RAPIDE! On nous transporte rapidement dans l'intrigue et l'action, c'était très agréable à lire. Peu ennuyant comparé au Tome 2... Les relations se renforcent et se développent. On s'attache de plus en plus aux personnages.
Le sujet principal est très bien amené. Ayant lu qq commentaires j'ai lu que le dev travaillait dans ce genre de lieu auparavant ce qui a rendu le Tome 3 encore plus émouvant qu'il ne l'était... La retranscription de la psychologie des personnages est très bien représentée et la critique envers la société japonaise est une véritable claque. Il nous tient par les sentiments.. je ne peux qu'être heureux d'avoir lu cette oeuvre.
De plus, les seiyuus font un taff de taré. C'est n'importe quoi. J'ai tellement bien ressentie les émotions, les moments de tensions et de stress...
Il n'a duré qu'une dizaine d'heure.
Je vais jouer au dernier Tome de l'arc Questions et je me jetterai sur les Tomes de l'arc Réponses. Voilà. Merci

Nothing I've read has made me feel so uncomfortable but enamoured with it. Peak higurashi

consistently better paced than the chapters before it, but suffers from being drawn out nonetheless. mixed feelings on the ending

The expected inconsistent pacing aside, this is visceral and repulsive to read in the best ways possible.

I just want to give these kids a hug, okay


A relação da Satoko com o Keiichi é muito linda e depois oq acontece com a [REDACTED] realmente doi no coração.


This pretty much reminded me why ryukishi is the only person to consistently get me emotional and attached to characters such as Satoko.

Anyway, 1500 seconds goat

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Me: Boy I sure do enjoy slice of life content
Ryukishi07, pulling out a spiked bat labeled "my experiences in social work": oh REALLY now

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Content Warning: Discussion of Abuse and PTSD Responses

Again, I am rushing here midway through a chapter to give this 5 stars for making me feel things.

This chapter has Keiichi going to pet Satoko’s head: a move that he believes will help somewhat restore his idealized concept of normalcy. Instead, Satoko returns the gesture with a smack and horrified expression. In his confusion, Keiichi reattempts his petting, to which she retorts with a similar, although far more intense response as a means of self defense. She screams in pure agony, desperately flailing her arms in order to protect herself, and squeals out apologies in between heaving sobs. In that moment, she cannot differentiate between friend and abuser, and she is entirely inconsolable. She experiences a full-blown trauma-induced panic attack, and her friends are powerless to help. All they can do is sit in terror as they watch her tirelessly thrash about, wail, and convulse in unimaginable pain.

This chapter does a fantastic job of placing you in Keiichi’s shoes. You and he both feel as though you’ve been robbed of your agency, and that you have no choice but to sit with a hole in your heart as the person you care about cries in pain that you struggle to empathize with. It’s masterfully done, and the author does a scarily great job of capturing what traumatized and abused children behave like.

This is it. This is where Higurashi reaches its full potential,and I immediately knew that I was experiencing a story with no equals. PEAK FICTION,you might say.
Chapter 3 tackles a lot of incredibly upsetting themes and events,treating them with the severity and incredible nuance that they deserved,never once playing them up for the sake of drama or understating them.
The tact shown here towards Satoko's story,and her constant fight to find happiness again with her nii-nii is pretty outstanding,thanks in part to Ryukishi's past as a social worker. His idea to write the abuse from the perspective of a powerless third party,cycling all day through the stages of grief,is just as every bit genius as it is emotionally devastating. Goddamn.
But Tatarigoroshi is so much more than that. It asks you if doing something you can never take back is worth it for the cause of helping your loved ones,or if what you're doing isn't motivated by selfish desires at all. Are you even the same person if you've managed to find the conviction to take a life? What life could possibly wait for you on the other side once you've done it?
Tatarigoroshi leaves you to soak in a lot of these questions and more,while you're still reeling from the most confusing,shocking and depressing ending Higurashi has yet to offer.
Years after completing it,it STILL has me gripped in everything it has to say and show,and that is the hallmark of a masterpiece to me.

way better than onikakushi and watanagashi combined could ever be

satoko more like satogoat