Reviews from

in the past

Mostly worth it to see how SCA-DI handles just one out of four heroines in an eroge title. The route he wrote for, Yomi, is amazing in how it single-handedly gives depth to the structure and setting of Himanatsu. Yosuke's decisions, whether to enter Yomi's route or out of it, become much more meaningful once you understand Yomi's character. Yomi's contribution to the story is a very cool demonstration of SCA-DI's talents as a writer, although it's a bit hard to sit through this game on its own otherwise. I feel if you've ever wondered why the writer made the play Cyrano de Bergerac as relevant as it was to Subahibi (which is actually not a whole not, all things considered), give this a go.

also daiya's mom is like super hot, god

Didn't really buy into the friend group's dynamics but the storytelling of the routes made up for it. Yomi's especially is a treat for scaji fans. And Hina's kinda resonated with me. I'll probably read Ruka's later this month.