Reviews from

in the past

Sometimes art can be a blatant parody, and sometimes those parodies make for excellent motifs! Hime's Quest is absolutely the latter, from it's ascetics to it's fun quirky dialogue to just knowing how long a joke can go on for. Hime's Quest may not be laugh out loud funny, but the joke that this is a solid game makes it rather humorous.

If anyone is familiar with Link's Awakening, Hime's Quest is pretty much just that with the Crunchyroll mascot. You travel around a multidimensional map that gives host to a bunch of different environments and dungeons to explore. While I think they missed it being 1:1 with Link's Awakening style, it does have it's own twist on it as well. The game opens up with everything already been explained in the cinematic intro, and you just get to wander off and start exploring the world. While the map itself isn't all that big, there isn't really anything to stop you from exploring it aside from your equipment. So the consistent formula of find dungeon, get weapon, explore more of the map to find the next dungeon is showcased rather well. The things we don't really get are just ways to bring out more of the ascetics of dungeons and maps for them that make them easier to explore. It's not so much of a problem as the dungeons don't really get complicated, but it can make finding all the chests in them a bit harder to get. All the characters usually have some fun little dialogue to say, and the overall world is far too into anime to be taken seriously, but that's kinda the point of the game to began with. Enemy designs feel right at home for a parody of Link's Awakening with a lot of the enemies being fun little sprite monsters that look mildly menacing, and the bosses are honestly designed really well with the game making boss patterns easily learnable yet challenging to boot!

The game doesn't over stay its welcome either as it's pretty much just a sweet little parody game that features Crunchyroll's Hime. While I'm not too familiar with Hime as a character, I do think her design pops quite well, and the sprite work for this game is absolutely amazing, especially during the cutscenes! While it can feel like it has some wonky controls, I just don't see much wrong with Hime's Quest. It may not be quite as enjoyable as other top down 2D Zelda games I've played, but it absolutely emulated the style well enough to keep me satisfied while also giving itself its own identity! I'd be more than happy to get more of these types of games, especially if it remains as goofy as this one.