Reviews from

in the past

Mark Evans possède des traits autistique.



hola somos los aliens y vamos a destruir la tierra si queréis pelear que sea con futbol uwu

Si con el primero me pareció que la historia estaba mejor contada en la serie, con este me pasa justo al contrario. Sí bien le tengo cariño porque la vi cuando era crío, me dió mazo de pereza vermela de nuevo en general.
En cambio jugarla por primera vez? Dios, la polla eh
Además que volvemos al tema de cosas maduras que nunca se animaron y aquí van más fuertes, la parte de Nathan por ejemplo madre de dios
Mola mazo
Sí a eso le sumamos que el sistema de fichajes es con diferencia el más divertido de la franquicia y además el que temáticamente más sentido tiene (por lo de "Vamos a buscar a los mejores jugadores del país chicos"), es un juegarraco

This game holds a ton of memories for me, and thanks to it, I still love the inazuma eleven franchise to this day. I had never played the first entry, so at first I was kind of lost, but thankfully it worked rather well as a standalone story too. A bunch of ‘aliens’ destroying your school by kicking a football around was such a wild moment, I was instantly hooked. This is one of the first games I played which had some anime cutscenes included at critical moments, and I would always sit on the edge of my seat whenever one of those would pop up. Suffice to say, I was never disappointed. The crazy special moves that keep ramping up in spectacle throughout the entire game and the frankly excellent character designs never let up, with an oddly dramatic plot that that kept me hooked all the way through. Though the gameplay is nothing to be scoffed at, it’s the rather insane story and hype character moments that really made this something special.

Speaking of the gameplay, it’s essentially a bunch of smaller battles against four man teams, with then big matches where it just comes down to passing the ball along and using your special moves whenever possible to get past the opponent or score goals. Though the gameplay is quite fun and getting new special moves was always a treat, it does get repetitive quite quickly. What helps is that matches throughout the story have a bunch of plot happening as you go, which keeps things fresh and unexpected, though if you fail to win then you’ll often have to sit through all of the same story beats to get another shot at actually winning the match.

Though the series would only get more insane in the following entries, I’m definitely still very nostalgic towards this one, and I think they never quite hit the same in terms of having such a central antagonist that kept me interested and engaged the entire time. It got me to play all the following games and even check out the anime, and as the game where it all started, I definitely got one of the best.

The perfect sequel is here and it's called Inazuma Eleven 2! It enhances the experience of the first entry in EVERY possible aspect, including the story. Featuring more captivating new characters and great villains. An instant classic! The Scout system has improved tremendously, now allowing you to assemble any team. That’s important because the game is harder and requires well-thought-out teams for each situation. The evolution of special attacks, shot blocks, and long shots has greatly improved matches. It has aged very well, perfect for playing on mobile emulator with touch screen. My only criticism is regarding the American names, which are very confusing. A masterpiece, a must-play for the Nintendo DS!

This is the best game in the series, and I don't think there's really a lot of argument about that.

Or there is, but I think generally speaking this is the game where people at the very least have the fewest complaints. Everything about this game is a step up from the original game. Girls are playable characters and they're common, Shoot Blocks, Long Shoots, and Skills were added to add depth to matches and the game as a whole, there are way more moves, and the story is like, really good. And dark. And good! And dark.

Coming from the previous game though it's really dark.

It was really shocking that this game just came out punching and fixing/building on a lot of what the first game was. This is peak Inazuma Eleven and I still think about going back to it now and again.

Also to TyRaNtM, the guy who made the undub patch for this and IE1. Thank you 💘

Eu já tinha amado o primeiro, aqui eu só afirmo o meu amor pela franquia. Absolutamente tudo foi melhorado, a base é igual, mas adicionando e melhorando mecânicas, a historia e personagens estão mais divertidos do que nunca, fora as musicas maravilhosas

If you have a gf that knows about Inazuma Eleven just know that she's not your gf anymore, she's Axel Blaze's

De lejos el mejor juego de Inazuma, que barbaridad

Si el Inazuma Eleven 1 fue asentar las bases y hacer una adaptación excelente este es el siguiente paso, mejorar en todos sus apartados.

Un juego mucho más balanceado e interesante en el apartado jugable: partidos con algún tipo de giro, un pequeño subidón en la dificultad que sin hacer el juego complicado te hace pensar algo más las estrategias, la mejora de las supertécnicas... Son mejoras más que importantes y agradecidas.

La historia como adaptación está muy bien contada, va al grano y hace pocas concesiones.
Pero quienes salen verdaderamente reforzados en la historia son Mark y Lina Schiller (la entrenadora). Mark como personaje vale que sea más plano que una tabla de planchar pero su poder para animar a los demás y sacar lo mejor de ellos es precioso y a ratos muy emotivo.
Y luego la entrenadora, con un arco genial en el que ves como poco a poco va cuajando su evolución. Personajazo sin duda Lina, merecía selección pero ahí le hicieron un feo feísimo horroroso.

Y esto lo he apreciado ahora, pero la historia del Jefe de la Academia Alius (dicho así para evitar spoilers) es un puto mazazo colosal al que no se cómo cojones le dieron el visto bueno porque semejante dramón.

Como dato es la primera vez que juego a esta versión y la verdad que son anecdóticas las diferencias entre versiones, son virtualmente el mismo juego así que en su momento no nos perdimos nada los que solo jugamos a uno.

Que guapísimo está Inazuma Eleven, que buenos personajes, que buenas escenas, que divertido, que TODO.

Juegazo atemporal.

Parecia um jogo de celular que você precisava toda hora riscar pra passar a bola e fazer um gol. E outro motivo também que me fez droppar é que eu me recuso a jogar com os nomes americanos dos PGs.

This review contains spoilers

La historia si está muy buena y está Fubuki aaa. Las locaciones al fin son variadas y buenas, las tecnicas están mucho mas balanceadas y la evolución de las técnicas es una muy buena adición, muy adictiva. la mayoria de partidos son muy faciles. pero el partido contra Genesis y los emperadores oscuro son bien dificiles.