Reviews from

in the past

Genuinely some of the tightest, most perfectly tuned combat you will find in any game. Every bossfight is so genuinely thrilling to tackle and when you eventually figure out what each fight wants of you and triumph over something that might seem like a total brick wall at first, it's more satisfying than basically anything else in the world.

It's the product of hundreds, if not thousands of hours of someone playing Etrian Odyssey back to front and front to back and so perfectly managing to turn what makes it so tense and fun and exciting into something far faster and more galaxy brained than even the most ingenious moments of any EO. There are 56 characters in this game, and each and every one of them is totally fascinating to play with, feeling totally distinct and exciting to use and figuring out how to make up to 12 of them at a time work in sync is just the best feeling thing in the world. I want to scream about how happy this games makes me. Playing it absolutely lights up the part of my brain that played Disgaea as a teen and upon realizing how deep its systems went, immediately declared it to be my favorite game of all time. On a mechanical level, maybe this is what I'd call the best game ever made. I honestly struggle to think of anything that makes me buzz as much as this does, and that's despite my wife Youmu being one of my least favorite characters here to use! It was an uphill battle from there and the game so firmly won me over that it didn't matter. The game told me I'd be an Iku fan going forward and I was powerless to say no to it. I wasn't before, I had no real opinion of her, but now seeing her gets me fired up and ready to spill out a dozen stories about fights she carried to a win when everything looked hopeless.

Then also when you finish the normal dungeon crawler story you get more dungeon crawling but everything is ratcheted up to insane degrees. It might've taken you 30 hours to get a party to an average level of 50, but suddenly you hit hour 100 and you're fighting bosses at level 12000 and how did it come to this? The game holds back nothing. I respect it so much. All the item descriptions are references to eroge that are filled with personal anecdotes like "the end scene in this game is one of the best things I've ever seen" because it is the purest expression of someone's deeply nerdy joy you can imagine.

Also I listened to the title screen music on repeat for like an hour when I was sad and came out the other end of it having written the best thing I've ever made, so when I say this game makes my brain light up, I truly mean it.

What a fucking achievement.

I think the combat was fun but the length of the game makes it repetitive. There's only so many things to try with new builds and the combat wasn't variable enough for me. Building characters was a lot of fun and finding strong roles for them though. I think I was in the floors right before confronting the big boss so I think I gave it a fair shot. Might come back at some point to finish.

Man. I don’t think drpgs are for me. I just cannot get into the insane amount of minmaxing required and how every move needs to be calculated 10 moves in advance. Its a fine game I’m sure but after floor 6 i just lost all hope and interest of beating this game.

perfect for those who want a game with a deep combat and a less focus on history, there's a huge cast of characters but it's more appealing for people who know touhou and like a good dungeon crawler.

You do not need to know anything about the Touhou universe to play this game. This is my first Touhou game, and while I'm sure I'm missing some things on character interactions, you'll be able to follow the plot and everything. However; the plot takes a backseat to the dungeon crawling and combat.

Majority of your time will be spent building characters, mapping out floors, and fighting. This is where the game shines. Labyrinth of Touhou has to be one of the most mechanically complex dungeon crawlers I've encountered. You can unlock up to 50 something characters, all with their own unique skills and damage formulas for their abilities. In addition, they can all be given subclasses and the Plus Disk adds even more options for character building. This allows for a massive amount of customization in filling out the 12 person party (4 front line, 8 reserve). The combat is turn-based and based on speed - however, there are no items - so boss fights can turn into a very MP oriented balance, as well as swapping a character in for a few turns and swapping them out. I was able to kill all the bosses up to the post-game plus disk content by altering my strategy without ever needing to grind and always killed them at or below the recommended level. Some of the bosses in the post-game plus disk content were far ahead of me stats/level wise upon first encountering them which is the only part where I ever felt like grinding a bit was necessary.

There’s tons of floors with different enjoyable puzzles, although the Sokoban puzzle made me want to bash my head into the wall.

Great music, not just for the boss encounters, but also the ambient music for all the different floors.

Really just a phenomenal package here for the price. If you’re looking to do all the content, easily upwards of around 150+ hours and I loved nearly all of it.

My two negative would pretty much be the following:

The information on the damage formulas for all the different spells is not available in game and you will need to consult the wiki. Luckily, the wiki is very in depth, but I always wish for this information to be present in game.

The Infinity Corridor in the Plus Disk is pretty boring. You get a boss fight every ten floors, but most of them are reskins of their heaven counterparts and the unique boss fights are too far inbetween. You could ask why I just didn’t skip it, but the Infinity Corridor is mandatory for accessing parts of certain floors as well as for unlocking new abilities for your characters.