Reviews from

in the past

Well, since this might be the first and last review of this game, I'd like to point a few things:

This game isn't hard, but it can be challenging;
This game has lots and lots of text and, as usual from Kemco, a post-game boss and plot;
Most characters are nice and the protagonist is dumber than a door but good nonetheless;
Achievements are a little messy but can be achieved with minor or no problems;
* There may be plot points left unexplained, but the plot itself isn't terrible either.

Hope you enjoy it!

Legend of the Tetrarchs is my 3rd game from Hit Point (Monochrome Order, Armed Emeth) and while it lacks the same type of uniqueness those other games had, Legend of the Tetrachs was another fun title.

The story starts quickly with a town massacred by soldiers and one of the Legendary Tetrarchs steals a sword that has been sealing the darkness. Len, whose brother was killed during the massacre now seeks vengeance. Along the way, he is joined by other people who were harmed by that Tetrarch and the ambition from a certain kingdom. He is also joined by the other Legendary Tetrarchs who defeated the forces of darkness 600 years ago.

The story started off pretty interesting and intense, but a lot of that luster falls off around the halfway point for me. I wouldn't say I was bored by that point, but it didn't quite hook me anymore since there weren't any plot twists or surprising development to be had.

The cast is surprisingly large with 10 playable characters. The Tetrachs don't receive much development, but the other characters do receive a bit. Len also lacks the impact for a main character and probably more suited as a support instead. He's too simple minded for me and lacks any good depth.

The music is unremarkable for the most part, but it does have a few good standout tracks. Most notably the otherworld theme that I thought was very good.

The graphics aren't very good as expected. I do like the sprites most of the time, but they lack any good animation outside of the ones you get in the camp menu.

The combat is probably the highlight for me. Despite its odd first person presentation, the mechanics are interesting. Every character has one or two unique passives, but are able to equip two other passive abilities. You get a ton of them throughout the game with varied effects so you can create unique builds for characters along with party composition.

Skills during battle uses SP which recovers a set amount each turn. The recovery amount is based on the SP recovery stat which can be changed with equipment and passive abilities.

Battles are somewhat on the easy side, but early on, enemies hit like trucks. It's not too bad since your characters hit like trucks too. A party wipe out allows you to retry the battle so there's less concern about losing data with poor party comp. Characters fully heal their health after each battle was a nice QOL mechanic.

Like many Kemco games, Legend of Tetrachs is short. It took me about 15 hours to complete the main game and about 2 more hours to complete the post game. Overall, the game is fun and has its good points. It's probably not a game that will make non-Kemco fans become fans though.