Reviews from

in the past

Bea is fucking bald lmao stupid ass turtle.

Nice little narrative that fleshes out the mythology of the world.

It's a very short prequel made for Night in the Woods. Longest Night is about Mae and her close friends, Gregg, Angus, and Bea, sitting around a campfire and searching for constellations in the night sky. The gameplay is simply the player connecting dots in the sky to form constellations. After the player finds a constellation, the four friends will discuss its origins and bring up old memories. The game is mainly about the mythologies in Night in the Woods and the friendship between the four characters. Overall, because it's less than twenty minutes long and a prequel, I believe that fans of Night in the Woods should play Longest Night to gain additional knowledge about the characters and mythologies in the game.

a really enjoyable dip into the world of what would come next

As short as it is enjoyable, very.

A charming 15 minutes that serves as a nice little proof of concept for one of my favorite games, Night in The Woods. Really cool to see some of the original ideas that the team had 4 years before the full game released. Definitely worth checking out for any NITW fan.

little side game

the gang are watching the stars and commenting them THATS FUCKING IT

now being a person who's favourite side character of the game was the astrologer and his telescope and hearing the fucking dumb stories about each and every constellation i was convinced as soon as I saw this was gonna be a predecessor of that that I was gonna enjoy every last bit of this and in fact I liked this

this is a proto NITW game from 2013 which means that the character actually got some major adjustments so they do feel slightly weird here but if I don't see them side to side I won't be able to tell you what's the different stuff

umh I guess thats it nice 10 minutes of my life

Even tho this little vignette of a game is only like 20 minutes long, I think more games could stand to release lil supplemental demos to tease and enhance their full releases. Banger lil thing, no notes.

Really short prequel but the music and dialogue make up for it I like it :)

Helps expand and gives more interaction with the nuanced and heart-wrenchingly relatable characters in NITW and some quirky worldbuilding for their experiences. this, and lost constellation are non-essential essential companions to NITW