Reviews from

in the past

No matter what I did I couldnt make myself love this game. Its a very linear monster hunter like game with guns. Its slow, clunky and having to install the games for windows live service just to play it is not worth it.

Play to get rickety rickety rekt

It's a Monster Hunter but with guns, apocalypse and sci-fi. This was most misunderstood and understated game of the time. World was not ready for it, but it would be now that we have understood Monster Hunter. It tried to be too many things instead of focusing on pve gameplay it exceeded in, and story was bit of a badly told mess.

Bought this for the co-op. It's really buggy. And the co-op camera is one of the worst I've seen; you can't change it.

It feels like you're never alone by those cutscenes but when it's time to play you're as alone as a hermit ~ I guess those team mates think it's better to run for their lives and leave you alone. ;)

There is not a single game I want a proper remake more than this game. Seeing what they were able to do with 360 hardware and thinking about the INSANE scale they could achieve with modern consoles, man this could be something special.