Reviews from

in the past

MechWarrior 3 captures the heavy, plodding nature of BattleTech's vehicles very convincingly; MechWarrior 4 and even MechWarrior 2 feel like arcade games in comparison. I appreciated that this entry acknowledged the extent to which mechs' legs would be their Achillies' heel. The pleasure of piloting these machines compensates for some of the game's less refined elements, including rather flat levels (both in terms of topography and environmental detail), bland menus, and a repetitious score (the game leans heavily on two three-minute tracks throughout). The small-scale behind-enemy-lines story feels appropriate for the more grounded portrayal of the mechs and is backed by nicely delivered mission briefings. If you're willing to jump through the hoops necessary to get MechWarrior 3 running on a modern operating system, it's easy to recommend.

revisiting this game is a treat, the soundtrack while short is fantastically atmospheric, and I have a real soft spot for the early 3D graphics and maps