Reviews from

in the past

The only MotoGP game I really ever need on Steam. I'm not too fond of the newer instalments of the game. For some reason I am very attracted to this version of the game with in my opinion better controls and feel as compared to the newer games.
Control/Gameplay - Takes a while to be a proper expert (especially on keyboard) but with helping aids from the game it is possible to reach that level after about 50 hours. Gameplay is decent, AI aren't too stupid or overpowered especially with the right difficulty.

Graphics & Sound - Decent to good graphics, sound wise it is quite solid and sounds like a proper bike.

Story - Basically you're your own rider looking to rise up the ranks as the seasons goes by. Nothing special for a motorsports game.

Characters - Just you and the AIs innit.

Replayability - Nice to come back every once in a while to just wind down.

Overall - 4/5

MotoGP 18 (2018): Saga anual, indistinguible de la versión de otros años, pero que para echar el rato cumple. No te va a cambiar la vida, pero un fin de semana te lo apaña y a nivel técnico es muy vistoso (6,15)

A blurry mess that was not formatted correctly to fit the Nintendo Switch's hardware at all