Reviews from

in the past

no voy a hacer una broma de ta bien o no con este juego, tengo un minimo de respeto

Pretty short game!! Very cool though, found out about this one by pure chance while browsing the site & itch :)
The story is pretty short and gets to the point as well, pretty sad and realistically fucked up. I liked the combat for what it was but even on normal mode and fine hearing and good headphones i still had some issues in figuring out when to shoot. The first few times I took down like three of the "Bugs" out I felt like I had a solid grasp buuuuuut..... EHHHHHHH. So then I chose to play on easy mode and WOW the difference is like night and day, i could just completely walk freely and stealth through all of the Bugs without any repercussions, and that kind of subtracted from the atmosphere of the game cause... u die in one hit or you dont die at all? like, yeah. But that being said i thought this was a pleasantly sad and hopeful experience and I really hope the creator is doing well these days.