Reviews from

in the past

My first next-gen NBA 2K game. Fun, but I preferred 2K17.

This is the best sports game of all-time. The graphics (which are important for a sports game) are superb, the best a 2K game has ever looked (except for maybe 2K15), the gameplay feels just on point: arcady enough to be fun but realistic enough to feel like a simulation. The different modes are really fun. MyCareer having a story was a neat distraction at the time, and the whole "off-court life" aspect of the career really added to the experience. The rest of the modes are solid as ever, without anything really different from previous entries.

Take off the rose tinted glasses, this game is solid. But the start of the passable 2k epidemic.

Rating is for NBA2k as a whole

Actually pretty fun with friends but they're still pretty bad....

this game made my cousin break our TV so its peak

Stephen Curry Side Step Step Back

most broken 2k in history, was a shit ton of fun tho

This is where the golden age of 2K ended. Everything was perfect. Perfect. Down to the last minute detail.

MyCareer was awesome the first time I played it. Also played a lot of Park and MyCourt.

My first 2k. Was very fun back in the day

My first 2k an my first season watching basketball. Unforgettable times playing against my brother and father. Steph was op in this game.


I love 2k but I only play MyCareer, so when I heard Spike Lee was going to do the story intro I could not have been more hyped. Too bad it sucks ass. Melodramatic trash story that just does not work at all with the ultra-corporate product of a 2k game. Idk who thought the nickname "Frequency Vibrations" was a good idea.

The "Deadly Premonition" of sports video games

No entiendo por qué meten un juego de baloncesto en un simulador de casinos.

You can’t get more fun than this

Probably the best in the series.

Spike Lee ruined 2K meanwhile making the only good 2K story

one of the last good games of nba before 2k ruined it for that digital currency stuff

my sister got it for my in my birthday for 70$ i hate my country and this game and my life

1 of 100 to get the plat on psnprofiles
def my most outrageous and difficult

10 year old me did not understand what was going on in the story lmao

The best NBA 2K of all time. I spent so much time playing this when it was the current one. Best Myteam, gameplay, soundtrack, and community.

this is basically what happens when you build on the shitty presentation of 2K15 and polish the rest, this is the best 2K I have ever played.