Reviews from

in the past

An interactive narrative game where your only dialogue options are saying 'no' or saying nothing at all. It's quirky and fun for a couple of hours, but after beating it I really struggled to find some of the remaining routes in each episode. It doesn't help that you only get 3 save states, across all the episodes. I couldn't even find the presidential storyline in episode 3, which I think was meant to be the main branch of the story. It's impressive how many branching paths they hid in such a simple dialogue system, but some of them are a little TOO well hidden.

Una aventura narrativa binaria muy original en la que tus unicas opciones en todo momento son decir "No" o no decir nada. Con 3 episodios más el original de la game jam en el que se originó, el juego resulta entretenido y termina antes de que te puedas llegar a cansar del todo, si bien hay algunas ramas de la historia (o "mementos" que te dan tanto como logro como para decorar el menú) puedan estar más ocultas de lo que deberían o requieran demasiado trabajo repetido si no utilizas los savestates. Buen juego de fin de semana.

I love to open this once inawhile. It is also a great game to show people cause its just easy to hop in. Working on getting some routes. I dont super intend to sit down and brute force it, I mostly have it to show people and they always get a kick out of it