Reviews from

in the past

I was excited for and wanted to like this one, and I recognize that it's a good game for what it is, but it just moves far too slowly for me. The style and art are very cool, and the writing seemed decent as well, and the mechanics are basically what I like, but presented in tedious and inconvenient fashion. Getting around takes too long and performing the various tasks is too overbearing and too much like actual tedium, both in how much of it you have to do and how slow it is. I was just about to look into how much it would cost to craft this thing to do this other thing when it dawned on me that this is it, this is the game, and this is how slow it's going to be and this is how inconvenient everything is going to be. It's gonna have to be a no from me.

Um nórdico tentando sobreviver para encontrar um caminho a Valhalla


Niffelheim's experience is one of 2D action and survival with RPG elements, though it doesn't quite succeed in all of them. There's a remarkable lack of customization choices, the combat is too simplistic and the difficulty level peaks suddenly but that doesn't mean Niffelheim doesn't do a good job on its survival angle, as well as on its art style and use of mythology in its lore and plot.
👉opencritic SUMMARY

Despite its excessive simplicity when it comes to combat and the lack of customization choices, the game features a captivating art style and does a good job when it comes to the survival experience. Pity it doesn't go all the way towards excelling in all its other elements.
👉 metacritic SUMMARY

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M I S C

◻️ ⚠️ Review originally written for FNintendo (defunct website) and published on October 9th, 2019. Full review is currently unavailable. Expect restored written piece translated into English.
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◻️ ✍️ in European Portuguese (Main body of text translated into English with A.I.)
◻️ 📜 Review Number 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F I N

Niffelheim looks cool at first! It's this viking survival game with a neat hand-drawn art style. But man, it gets repetitive and grindy pretty fast. Combat feels clunky, and it's way too easy to die from like, a single poison spider. There's a story, but it's super basic. It's a decent time-waster if you're really into Norse stuff and don't mind endless resource gathering, but overall, it left me feeling kinda cold.