Reviews from

in the past

Achei bem legal. O estilo de combate é original e bem divertido, ainda mais pra um jogo estilo RPG maker, sai do padrão de batalha de turnos, e não é tão difícil.
A história não me cativou tanto, dá bastante vontade de saber o que vai acontecer, mas também não to suuuper ansiosa e empolgada com o resto.
Não tenho certeza se vou comprar quando sair a versão completa, mas pelo menos essa demo valeu bastante a pena jogar. Quem sabe um dia eu compre..

I felt like I had a pretty good time with this game. The music was great, the rhythm game was fun, the animations were good, it felt like a truly polished and well rounded experience. The art was also awesome in my opinion, although I will admit there were a few things about the design of the overworld that were hard for me to tell what they were, for example, the same sprite was used for tree branches that were above you and below you, so it was impossible to tell whether they were going to block your path or not. It's mostly things like that that confuse me, as it can be really hard to tell sometimes what level something is supposed to be on compared to the character. Below? Same? Above? Things sort of blend together in that aspect. I also feel like the map is much too big in relation to how slow the character moves. I feel like the run speed should've been the default, as the walk speed is just horrible for traversing such a vast environment.

There were some steam reviews that said the battles were too lengthy/too often, but I disagree. I played on the easiest setting as I have basically no experience with rhythm games. I felt like the battles came at enough of an interval that I never got sick of them, but also never felt like I wasn't doing them enough. And to top it all off, I felt myself slowly getting better. Now, I will say this, every enemy has its own music, which comes with its own attack pattern, which is very cool. However, I feel like the enemies come and go too quickly, as I never felt like I 'mastered' any of the songs before getting a new one thrown at me.

Finally, I had no problem with the story up until the very very end, as one of the characters acts really out of character (and honestly very dramatic/stupid) all for the sense of setting up more drama which just feels completely unwarranted. It left me feeling -> :/

Also, I looked at the steam page for the full game and it's got a complete graphical overhaul... and I think I like the original one more. Oops!