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in the past

very sick while writing this so sorry if it sucks 👍

i've had friends that recommended oneshot to me for a while and i've owned it for a few years but i never got around to playing it. i think the main thing was that a lot of the mechanics with the PC messed with my anxiety issues but i now that theres a console version, i didnt really have an excuse not to play it.

after finally playing oneshot, i can understand why so many of my friends love it. it's not huge or expansive, i finished it only playing it for a few hours over the course of two days, but i got a lot more out if it than most indie rpgs/rpgmaker games. and with how frustratingly plain the meta 4th wall breaking segments of undertale are to me i was pleasantly surprised that oneshot basically does the same thing but in a way thats actually interesting. i didnt really get choked up or anything while playing but near the end especially some moments got me a little emotional.

the main focus gameplay wise is the exploration and puzzles, and neither of those are particularly difficult. i maybe had to look up who i had to talk to to progress once but that was it, and all of the puzzles i figured out myself pretty quickly but not too quick as to make them unsatisfying.

in terms of the additions new to the world machine edition, the game takes place in a fake os with the juxtaposition of you installing it onto your console. this worked for me personally because my switch is hacked and i theoretically could put something like linux or android on it so there was a little extra bit of charm. all of the puzzles that involve using your own computer use folders on this os's desktop, and aside from that there are collectable friend profiles (little bios for the characters along with their sprites) and desktop backgrounds/theme colors to customize your os, plus a menu to track the achievements that you would've had on steam/other console versions for the switch. nothing major, but i appreciate what it does and i like it a lot more than i would've if it was my actual computer.

oneshot is a really great game and i definitely recommend to anyone who wants a quick game to show them that 4th wall breaking isnt reserved for boring executions like deadpool and undertale. the console version is also a good alternative to the pc version if you don't like how the pc version utilizes your actual pc and there isn't really that much thats missed in my opinion.

I hope Niko is eating pancakes rn

Man I didn't think I would fall in love with an RPG Maker style game, but damn this shit got me crying by the end.

there is no joke. please play this game. thank you and goodnight.

OneShot foi um dos jogos que mais me surpreendeu quando eu joguei inicialmente, eu sinceramente não dava nada pro joguinho e acabou se tornando um dos meus jogos favoritos.

Apesar de sua jogabilidade simples, OneShot consegue impressionar o jogador através de seus puzzles únicos e muito bem construídos, além disso, o jogo trabalha muito bem o ritmo em que a história do mesmo é contada, é um daqueles jogos que você pode aproveitar durante um final de semana.

Um dos pontos mais forte de OneShot sem dúvida nenhuma é seu protagonista, que facilmente conquista o coração do jogador através dos eventos da história. Você com certeza vai ficar com uma lembrança positiva de Niko em sua memória após terminar a história.

A edição World Machine Edition é obrigatória para qualquer fã desse universo. Sendo a versão definitiva do jogo, ela oferece wallpapers lindíssimos, uma biografia para os personagens do jogo, um player de música e algumas melhorias na gameplay do jogo.

É difícil descrever a paixão que sinto por esse jogo. Seu universo, personagens, músicas... Tudo ficará marcado em mim por bastante tempo.

How did I cry even more than last time

A wonderful game butchered by its DLC.

You thought broken steel for Fallout 3 was bad? Oh this is FAR worse.

So I was playing this game earlier today to platinum finish it, the last achievement I needed to get was the one where you get all your themes. I had gotten all of them besides the rainbow one the first time I played the game, however I had to delete my save file to get the Rainbow theme again. So I got that, but I had forgotten one color theme, which happened to be one of the beginning ones. That color was blue, which coincidentally is my nickname with my close friends. I got the blue theme when I went to get that blue theme. And I don’t know why but I cried when I did that. This game is something special to me. Niko my beloved

While I'd still say i prefer the steam release (i'm a sucker for immersion), this is an amazing port with some awesome QOL, and it was great to go back, replay, and get the platinum trophy for this fantastic game.

The original Oneshot is a game I've been following since its release in 2014, and it has been quite a pleasure watching a game develop so much through the love of its creator. This is a very beautiful game that beckons feelings of grief in me without delving into any intense subject matter at all. It is a very personal and special experience to walk Niko through the game and grow to care about them, and after all these years there is nothing impeding the fondness I have of this game and it's world. Sometimes the puzzles could be a bit obtuse, but it isn't something a quick look at a walk-through wouldn't fix.

The World Machine edition is the best way to play this game, in my opinion. The immersion of playing Oneshot on an actual PC is important too, but I really enjoyed the simulated computer and felt as if it was just as cool as playing it on its native hardware.

The only reason this game isn't 5 stars however is the solstice ending. No spoilers, I think the core concept is good... but I cant help but feel like it could of been done differently. It started drifting into tropes, and some of the dialogue felt dated which wasn't really a concern in the base Oneshot. I also felt like the ending of the game originally was very good, when solstice tries to elaborate on it, it does it in a way that feels like it deflates the air out of what the story had going for it to begin with. It's still more Oneshot, and after all these years I get to see the best possible outcome, I just wish it was more nuanced like the main portion of your time with the game.

Regardless of that, Oneshot is still a very special game that I could suggest to absolutely anyone. The artwork and music are still just as nostalgic as they were in 2014, and you can tell that the people who made the game put their souls onto it. A comforting short little experience that'll stick out in my mind forever.

Still amazing but works better with the original release for obvious reasons, still an amazing game I'd recommend to everyone

I’ve heard it doesn’t hit quite the same when you’re not on a PC, but… wow. What a game.

I don’t wanna get into spoilers, but it’s really something else. Go play it!

Originally my opinion on OneShot was that it was a unique and interesting concept, with characters and a world I was interested in. In terms of gameplay though, it left a lot to be desired. The gameplay was incredibly basic and not very engaging, and while the gimmick of solving puzzles by looking outside the game itself made the game unique, the game really didn't do enough with that, along with the ending feeling half-baked in my opinion.

And then I played the Solstice run.

This is where the game really shines. All of my complaints are pretty much nullified here. The game still revolves around puzzles and interacting with objects in the environment, but story wise and in terms of how it goes about the previously mentioned gimmick, it's a whole lot more engaging. I was very much immersed in what was happening. All of the characters are memorable and the way you interact with the world is incredible. The Solstice run of OneShot makes the game for me, it's a fantastic experience, up there with some of my favorite games I've ever played.

It's just really unfortunate that the experience of OneShot as a whole is having to get through that initial run that isn't that great, waiting for the game to get good once Solstice comes around. Not to say that the first run of the game is bad, but it's not anything amazing, it's just alright, which is a little frustrating.
I still highly recommend the game but it isn't without its faults, that's all.

when i had played this game i had expected a nice little rpgmaker game and i genuinely didnt expect it to be my favourite game of all time after playing it, if you know nothing about oneshot and want to play it AVOID ALL SPOILERS AND PLAY IT.

Joguei recentemente o jogo OneShot, que é um jogo indie de aventura e puzzle lançado originalmente em 2014. Somente agora, em 2024, ele chegou à minha lista de desejos, e tive o prazer de jogar. Estou muito feliz por isso. A comparação mais fácil a ser feita aqui é com o jogo Undertale, e para muitas pessoas, isso deveria ser argumento suficiente para você parar e jogar, e foi exatamente isso que aconteceu comigo, essa similaridade entre ambos. A narrativa é o foco principal, com uma ênfase maior na relação do jogador com a protagonista. Suas ações têm consequências para ela dentro do jogo, e os primeiros minutos de gameplay são bem tensos, apesar da ausência de combate.

Embora OneShot possa ser concluído em pouco tempo, seu mundo é densamente povoado por puzzles de itens e personagens. Vai parecer muito como se você estivesse perdendo partes inteiras da construção do mundo ou desenvolvimento de personagens até que explore cada área pelo menos uma vez. O jogo é envolto em mistério desde o início, e essa atmosfera faz parte fundamental de toda a experiência.

Uma das principais críticas que Undertale recebeu estava relacionada ao visual, o que, na minha opinião, é um total exagero, afinal, aquela era a proposta do jogo e combinava muito bem com ele. Isso, felizmente, não vemos em OneShot. O jogo tem personagens e ambientes muito bem definidos. Isso contribui significativamente para a imersão entre Niko e você jogando, já que ela realmente parece um gatinho e não um monte de pixels. Isso obviamente falando de todos os personagens do jogo tambem. Conforme você atinge diferentes marcos ao longo do jogo, você receberá algumas obras de arte em aquarela ou um panorama lento sobre a área que está prestes a explorar. Essas áreas se tornam mais impressionantes em sua escala à medida que o jogo atinge o clímax, e é realmente especial explorá-las pela primeira vez com Niko, que também não pertence a elas. Infelizmente, a trilha sonora não teve o mesmo efeito sobre mim; sim, havia algumas partes boas, mas o restante parecia muito mais ou menos, e não houve uma faixa que eu possa realmente dizer que se destacou para mim.

No geral, fiquei impressionado com tudo no jogo, principalmente falando da beleza dele. Infelizmente, não senti que o fator replay é interessante. Joguei cerca de 15 horas e facilmente consegui fechar 100% tranquilamente, o que é meio irônico levando em consideração que o título do jogo é OneShot.

OneShot é um jogo muito bom na maior parte; tem uma arte fofa, bons puzzles e um ambiente aconchegante; deve ser apreciado por todos que gostam de jogos de aventura desse tipo. No entanto, há dois grandes pontos negativos na minha visão. Primeiro: o mapa em geral é meio preguiçoso; a maioria do level design é copiada dezenas de vezes e a geometria é muito repetitiva. Em segundo lugar, o jogo se leva muito a sério em querer que o jogador reinicie o jogo; percebi que o jogo tem versões de finais diferentes para cada versão, o que é muito legal na teoria, porém na prática nem tanto, afinal, como disse anteriormente, não senti necessidade de rejogar o jogo. Porém, só de pensar em rejogar, já me enjoa um pouco, afinal, apesar de ser maravilhoso, o título OneShot, como dito antes, para mim define muito bem o jogo. Mas definitivamente, é mais do que recomendado o game. A história é linda e você definitivamente deveria jogar este jogo.

Pontos positivos:
- Puzzles legais
- História bem legal

Pontos negativos:
- Level design meio chato as vezes
- Fator replay um pouco chato

Versão utilizada para análise: Xbox Series

Pretty interesting with the breaking the 4th wall and all, but it didn’t really catch me and I didn’t finish it. I’m more into gameplay based games than story based games. But the pixel art and illustrations are cute.