Reviews from

in the past

I covered this game as part of my coverage of the Xbox Game Pass for April 2022

A tactical look at World War 2.

Panzer Corps as the name implies is a World War 2 game focused on tank combat where the players will recreate battles in the war and use their military might to try to crush enemies. This is kind of like Advance Wars or Wargroove, you can buy units, deploy them, and everything is done in simplistic attacks, though with a lot more factors that go into the damage calculation. Also, you have a core group of units that evolve over the long campaign. It’s a solid idea. But there’s one problem.

Are we the baddies? No seriously, this is made by a British company, and yet the entire campaign is all German, there’s one UK scenario and one Russian, but… you’re the Axis for most of the game. The game does come with all the DLC so far but… it’s strange. Granted I am happy to be able to play as the Axis since it is rare to see. Though I always assumed that would imply being able to control both sides. Just a strange choice.

Pick this up if you like Advance Wars, or want to recreate history. It’s a pretty good game for history buffs or people who like tanks or turn-based strategy games. Just … you know, try not to think about what the country you’re representing stood for or the awful things they were doing at the same time. Again, I do applaud them for allowing players to play as the Axis because that’s usually not even an option, but it’s more strange for that to be the only choice available. Weird.

If you want to see the video this was taken of, or more from me on the Xbox Game Pass, check out:

Not as compelling as pretty much any other wargame.