Reviews from

in the past

2016: an absolute global explosion in popularity (for a couple weeks) with a neat idea to get people outside walking and exploring the real world to capture pokemon despite the game's infrastructure being held together with toothpicks

2020: barely anyone cares about it anymore but is now a genuinely decent distraction thanks to updates and feels more like an actual game

Hey so once the virus is gone can we go back to this please

quase me assaltaram
(atualização: me assaltaram)

You know what it's okay

my whole extended family plays together. people either think it's cute, or they think it's weird

I played for a few months in 2016 and then abandoned for ages. I am just back in the game, it's not the best Pokémon game that's for sure, but it's fun!

Stealing kids phones who chose Team Instinct.

Pokemon GO is a pretty good game that I can't get myself into that much because I am extremely lazy. The times that I have played it, the game has been pretty enjoyable, although the free-to-play nature of the game shows itself more and more with all of the progress you make.

Unico gioco che ho sul mio telefono e che uso abbastanza attivamente. Rimane frustrante anche se migliore delle prime versioni - quattro anni sono serviti molto a raffinare e rendere meno macchinoso questo inferno. Mezza stella in più perché posso giocare da seduto al bar grazie alla sincronizzazione.

My parents got way too addicted to this game

Still fully convinced that pokemon go to the polls lost Hilary the election

eu jogo isso até hoje e não sei o por que

This game brought the world together

Good thing to get outside with, but I lack things to go out with.

Honestly I think it's great that there's a lot of neat new content being released that makes this feel more like a proper game than a fun novelty, but I feel like some of the magic from Pokemon Go Summer is gone, you know? Maybe it's the way the world's gone since then. I picked it up again around the release of Let's Go and had fun for a while, but I think I got kind of frustrated with it being kind of grindy and the fact that I kept running up against the game really wanting me to pay for it when I am loath to pay for microtransactions.

So I don't know. I'm glad this game exists, but on the other hand, I'm rarely in the mood to actually play it. I'm happy for the people who are still enjoying it, though.

quase assaltaram meu amigo enquanto eu jogava kkkkkk mas o jogo no começo parecia mto promissor mas depois não se tornou o que nós imaginávamos.

I stepped on some dog shit while playing and still play it.

Realised at some point that playing this game was just leading to me enjoying the world around me less all for the sake of grinding more digital creatures into candy. Promptly abandoned it after a few months of obsession.

Very shallow game but fine for normies and kids I guess. It got me to explore some dodgy areas I otherwise wouldn't but overall it's just boring time waster that will occasionally try and encourage you to spend real money.

Way to turn the holy grace of catching and raising your precious and beloved Pocket Monsters into what is essentially just a clicker game. I'm sure you get really sentimental over the fiftieth shiny Zigzagoon. Skinner box incarnate, sweeping through the neighbourhood and grinding the block's population of iconic creatures into Exp with the heart of a feller buncher combine harvester uprooting swathes of lush green forest. Pokemon Go to the gallows and give me your oil money fortune. I'll stop exaggerating and say this shit sucks even though I played it for like 10 hours.

As a game it obviously wasn't good. But as a social experience and a motivator to go outside and absorb my surroundings, it was great

yeah it's pretty fun and got my dad to have fun with me for once so its cool.

It’s not good by any means, but it’s kept me very busy at work

Very much a product of its time, but an interesting thing nonetheless. I've played it on-and-off for a couple months several times, and it's never really felt much noticeably better than before. It's mediocre but unique.