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😔 I'm a huge fan of the original game, even though many people call it childish nonsense. And, unfortunately, the miracle did not happen, the game is an ordinary "Dead by Daylight" clone, only instead of hacking generators -we stretch out arms and press certain buttons on the toys, memorizing the sequence.. well, with the only difference - that when one of the players dies, he gets into a funny mini-game from episode 2, where you have to plug the monsters climbing out of the pipes, this is the cool - yes, the use of grabpacks in itself is also - cool, I agree, playing for Haggy Waggy or for the new "Box" monster is funny, again, the animations are still cool, although they lack a few frames, cool skins in the stor .. but this btw cannot be considered a plus, since the donat is quite expensive, 1 hat for 300r, but, in fact, for what?
🖍 The factory was looks a little better, you can find interesting little things in it, but in general, the overall design of the locations is empty and weak, as it was in the original episodes, and I scolded them for it too.. but, in multiplayer it`s even more important , since it should be interesting and atmospheric to player to wander around the factory, the single-player campaign pleases you with fear and screamers, but everyone knows that making an online game scary is almost impossible. Both the current locations "Toy Factory" and "Theater" are incredibly boring, and the toy hacking gameplay is terribly repetitive, there are only 3 types of puzzles.
🚧 "The last nail in the coffin" - is the terrible freezes even at low settings and connection problems, yes, I understand that this is early access, but I don’t see the future of the game, the unique gameplay that the original provided - no, and will not be, there will be no design and lore of the factory, they will just add skins of monsters from new episodes to loot your money, alas, but this, most likely, will be the whole point of the existence of this project. But still, this is not the worst online game, you personally might like it.

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😔 Я являюсь ярым фанатом оригинальной игры, несмотря на то, что многие называют это детской ерундой. И, к сожалению, чуда не случилось, игра является обычном клоном дбд, только для взлома генератора используются вытягивающиеся руки и запоминание последовательностей.. ну, с единственным отличием, что когда один из игроков умирает, он попадает в забавную мини-игру из 2 эпизода, где надо затыкать монстров, лезущих из труб, это норм - да, само по себе использование гребпаков - норм, согласен, играть за Хаги Ваги или за нового "коробочного" монстра - забавно, опять же, анимации ещё крутые, хоть им и не хватает кадров, крутые скины в магазинчике.. но это кст нельзя считать плюсом, так как донат достаточно дорогой, 1 шапка за 300р, а, собственно, за что?
🖍 Фабрику чуть-чуть получше проработали, в ней можно найти интересные мелочи, но в целом, общий дизайн локаций - пустоватый и слабый, как было и в оригинальных эпизодах, и я их тоже за это ругал.. просто, в мультиплеере это ещё важнее, так как тебе должно быть интересно и атмосферно бродить по фабрике, сингловая кампания берёт страхом и скримаками, но всем известно, что сделать онлайн-игру страшной практически невозможно. Обе текущие локации: "Фабрика игрушек" и "Театр" - невероятно скучны, а геймплей с взламыванием игрушек - ужасно репетативен, тут всего 3 вида головоломок.
🚧 Последний гвоздь в крышку гроба добивают ужасные фризы даже при низких настройках и проблемы с соединением, да, я понимаю, что это ранний доступ, но я не вижу перспективы у игры, уникального геймплея, который предоставлял оригинал - нет, и не будет, хорошего дизайна и лора фабрики - не будет, просто будут добавлять скины монстров из новых эпизодов, чтобы доить бабло, увы, но в этом, скорее всего, и будет весь смысл существования данного проекта. Но всё же это не самая плохая онлайн игра, может лично вам зайдёт.

this game is just a dead by daylight clone but reskined with poppy playtime assets. i also had problems with connecting to any lobby, and that boxy boo thing is way too op. if you like playing dead by daylight - poppy playtime edition then yea go ahead. but i just didn't really like this game.

A game set in the poppy playtime universe you and 5 other survivors have to assemble a toy by completing puzzles on puzzle towers and depositing the parts into chutes around the map. But be careful there is a monster coming for you, use the doors and lockers available to evade the monster so you can get on the train back home

It’s alright. Can’t ever be invested in these kinds of games though. Like the lore stuff.

Buggy multiplayer Poppy Playtime. To be honest it has a lot of potential, just not in the state its in right now.

i like how the hand-extending cords look in this one compared to the mainline games


Project: Playtime is very well made. It looks amazing, has fun gameplay on both sides, and its plenty of lore as it coincides with Poppy Playtime. This game has potential to rival games like Dead by Daylight. The only things holding it back are things like fps and optimization issues, bugs when joining matches, and lack of updates, if all of those are fixed, this could become one of the greatest multiplayer horror games in history.

Hubiera molao jugarlo (Dani wifi paki cabron)

The game has potential, but the developers seemed to think it would be funny not to balance the game and create completely broken monsters.

Played for literally 18 minutes, never again

uma merda, maior cashgrab da história, os servers são tudo fudido, a gameplay é tosca e ninguem se importa. Morra queimado

El juego en si estaria guapo si no hubieran puesto skins de pago, quitado las parties y reducido el numero de servers. Aun asi, lo que la gente no sabe, es que esto tiene lore canon del juego.

game unplayable for anyone outside of Europe or NA

Ganz nett für Poppy Playtime fans, aber immer noch viele Bugs, nimmt leider den Spielspaß

im so fucking tired of lore-bait i swear

i screamed really really loud at a woman with a microsoft lifecam webcam microphone while playing the box character

"Project: Playtime" is an overall fun free-to-play asymmetrical horror game where a team of six players have to complete some kindergarten level puzzles in order to escape, and a seventh player plays as a monster trying to catch the other six players, fun little game to play for a while especially with a group of 6/7 friends, but unfortunately can't see a reason to spend a lot of time playing it.

Played this after playing Dead by Daylight for the first time, and good god, this is a buggy mess of a game. I can't see anyone playing this over Dead by Daylight unless they don't have the money for it. In that case, just play the Roblox Dead by Daylight ripoff, Flee the Facility, which unironically is better than this.

dead by daylight but worse, this game is made for kids

Todos os servidores tavam cheios, nunca consegui jogar.

À première vue le jeu est sympas les graphismes sont bons , l'ambiances est bonnes et le gameplay est plutôt cool des deux côtés. Le problème du jeu, c'est clairement le manque de fonctionnalités qui sont banals exemples :
-On ne peut pas créer de groupes pour trouver une partie avec ces amies. -Les macth privés retirés
Les autres soucis du jeu sont clairement les bugs et le manque d'équilibrages
Bref une bonne idée de jeu pour final être lâchés par les développeurs

Um jogo que anteriormente apesar de suas falhas conseguia entregar uma experiência divertida, um diferencial comparado a outros jogos de terror on-line que agora infelizmente foi arruinado por decisões terríveis dos desenvolvedores e ao abandono da comunidade.

Project: Playtime is easily one of the best asymmetrical horror games I can think of in recent years. The game is still really fun to play a year after release, the survivors are fun to play, same with the killers.

And with MOB Entertainments high polish, the game looks very good, and is extremely well made from a development standpoint. This game is genuinely just a really good asymmetrical horror game based on Poppy Playtime. It's also free, so I think it's worth a play.

Overall: 8/10