Reviews from

in the past

unfortunately, has some terrible port problems, like all GBC ports. i played like 3 levels and gave up lol.

A very okay version of Rayman. Well, it's more of an original game that uses the console game's concepts and locales, really.

It's a very fine game. The levels are fine. The controls are fine. The graphics are fine. The music is... not fine, actually. It's just comprised of these poor chiptune renditions of Rayman 2 songs that are rather unpleasant to listen to. Other than that, it's all very fine. This is a very okay 2D platformer. You will probably have an adequate time here and then promptly forget everything about it right after you beat it. A nice novelty, but that's about it.

Considerando que antes de jogar esse, eu joguei o de PS1, fiquei surpreso com a semelhança de gameplay que conseguiram fazer no GBC considerando a limitação

Enfim, melhor do que eu esperava, só as músicas um pouco incomodas (agudas), acho que ficou poluído para um 8-bit

neat little port of rayman for gbc.

played this on a whim, and its pretty solid. looks really great esp for the time, and plays decent. its got some snappy controls, and decent levels.

ngl i just got stuck, and don't see myself coming back to beat it.

I actually liked this game more than I expected. The levels stay pretty loyal to the source game, while still being different; and they even managed to make the last boss feel satisfying, cus this time you actually get to beat Mr. Dark. The ost is a weird mix between groovy and ear bleeding (Not to mention its pretty much the Rayman 2 ost in 8 bit format). It was ok, my fav thing were Rayman's lines. Like, he did not mess around.

(Copy-pasted from a Twitter post I made in July 2022)
Honestly, discounting the lack of bosses and Betilla, this is so much better than the PS1 version. Not a pain in the ass to play certain levels (aside from the need for passwords), secrets/cages that arent irritating to find, damn near perfect.

I can't believe that the Game Boy Color version of Rayman is better than the original game. That's not saying much, and this game can be considered okay at best, but hey.

Randomly felt like playing through this the past few days. It was fun tho! Very tightly designed for a GBC game.

Nice alternative version from the original deal. Kudos to the italian team making this game (yes, it's italian). Not as amazingly and great looking (obv) as the real Rayman 1, but it's a enjoyable and safer ride compared to the brutality that is the original game.

It's still got plenty of solid 2D platforming that early Rayman games did well, but with a little side of jank. Control can feel a little sluggish in spots, the OST & sound effects have a hard time balancing with one another & overall just doesn't play quite as well as others in the series. Still have some nostalgia for it though. Learned a couple speedrun tricks for it too. A decent platformer to blast through in a quick session.