Reviews from

in the past

This is about as good as it gets for gacha games, but these sorts of games probably max out at around three stars in my estimation.

Re;UniverSe is generous with premium currency and has an ingenious progression system that treats different versions like 'skins' with different abilities and stats bonuses modifying the same base character parameters that can be grown using any version of the character.

But you hardly need to worry about pulling the best units. The game allows for a great deal of flexibility even in tackling the most difficult content. Power creep is a given, but Re;UniverSe is rewarding even if you choose not to spend a penny on it.

This might go without saying, but this isn't exactly a game for those who are not fans of the SaGa franchise, but those who like a pixel aesthetic might find themselves checking out the mainline series games because of this mobage rather than the other way around.

The biggest drawback of the game is, despite being grind-heavy, it doesn't offer any auto-repeat functionality nor is it on the roadmaps. But Bluestacks users might find a clever way to turn Re;UniverSe into something of an idle game, how it was meant to be played.

A pleasant time waster, but great art, except for a few racist depictions ("savage" enemies) and obligatory "fan service" sexism.

This is the one gacha game I've consistently played. It's actually pretty great and F2P friendly as far as they go, shame it's still a gacha at the end of the day. Normally it would get a 3 star, but it gets an extra half star for having some of the prettiest and rawest art and character alts I've ever seen. SaGa already has strong character designs, but Re;Universe's art does them perfect justice and then some. Shoutouts to the artists behind the alts for Asellus, Gustave XIII, Katarina, and Undine, you all are doing god's work.

This is the best gacha game I played. It felt open and fun and interesting. SaGa style storytelling fits the gacha structure surprisingly well.

But it's still gacha and I couldn't really get into it. Just the sheer amount of icons and popups and login bonus shit bombarding me at the home screen turns my brain into oatmeal. Sometimes seeing these gacha games makes me feel old for not being able to keep up with the amount of sheer fast data being presented to me. And yet at the same time sometimes it makes me feel too young to play it because I'm not old enough to be spending my time spinning slots or whatever it is these things do. I'm only 23.

Back to the dragon quest casinos I go

It is just a generic gacha game with a little bit of SaGa flavor.


I really like this game. Sure it's a gacha but it's been fun. Never spent any money and the animations are pretty cool. I've never played a gacha for this long so it deserves 4 stars for that at least.

Franchise crossover gacha games have a way of taking mechanics from their respective series and flattening them into fig leaves to be placed in front of the "real" game. That is to say, always roughly the same incremental meta-progression engine meant to be run over months and years.

This is often detrimental, but with the SaGa series, there's a strange alchemy at work. The thing is, SaGa games have their charms but they're rarely GOOD in a traditional sense. At best they're cool and experimental, at worst they feel like beta builds that accidentally shipped. In a weird way, putting the best parts of SaGa games (neat characters, off-beat gameplay systems, Kenji Ito bangers) into a generic gacha template actually ENHANCES the experience. It doesn't make it great; gacha is what it is, but it's all weirdly... potable?