Reviews from

in the past

It's just the Murder Circus mission from the base game but now you get to do it over and over. Unlocking weapons and perks as you go. Also there's 4 characters to play as and all of them can go up to level 9.

I mean maybe it's fun if you really liked that one mission, but this felt really unnecessary. Like I got one character to level 4, got tired of doing the same shit over and over, and gave up.

I'm fine with this ruining me getting every achievement tbh. If it sucks, it sucks. Just a shame the first DLC story and this one weren't great given how much I loved the base game.

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

"There's a corpse born every minute!"

Consistently amusing, intense, hilarious, and more methodical than your average class shooter - assuredly the best of the Saints Row DLCs, though not without its caveats. Feels like Volition's stab at a games-as-a-service type deal without the always-online requirement or predatory microtransaction shops - which is certainly something I can get behind. Yeah it's nothing but blowing through bodies at the end of the day but come on, which one of these types of class-based shooters isn't repetitive? And people sang the praises of those other ones, this honestly really isn't all that different than a lot of those 2015/2016 GOTY contendors lmfao. Really emphasizes why the base's Takedown system is God-tier imo, you can't just sit behind cover and regen over and over - you have to act at every move, always thinking three steps ahead before and during each battle. And once again the art design really shines through here, the mangled carnival meets nuclear waste dump aesthetic is seriously splendid and lends itself nicely to the LiveLeak/Nerve (2016) aura this expansion manages to create. My biggest gripe is the same one I have with the other SR2022 products - and it's that this does sadly feel like a rushed product that didn't get the time in the oven it would have benefitted from (arbitrarily caps level progression at 8??). But as someone who can't spend a lot of time on these sorts of games anyway, it's still an unfortunate smudge but not quite a crushing blow of death. Enjoyed my time with it greatly. Chief Justice MVP.

Ah yes. Bootleg Super Ethical Reality Climax, but as its own seperate game mode and even less variety than before.

God the drop in quality between Heist & The Hazardous and this is staggering.

What started out as a pretty alright horde mode/survival mode turned into a god awful monotonous slog of pretty much doing the same thing over and over again with 4 different characters that all play the same with zero enemy or map variety.

I get that Volition wanted to give this reboot it's own Super Ethical Reality Climax and the murder circus was the closest thing they had to it, but this mode lives or dies on whether or not you think the combat in the fun/good, and personally as I've been replaying through the game I find the combat slow sluggish and dull. The SR3 and 4's combat wasn't great either but at least in that game most fights ended within five minutes. Every enemy in this game is super bullet spongy and nine times out of ten the high power guns you're using feel less like guns and more life BBguns.

Each run is around 44 to 50 minutes long, and you have four different characters to play as, each can be leveled up to level 8 which can take 3 to 4 runs for one character. Do the math and it becomes really evident how this DLC gets really boring really fast.

The one part of this DLC that completely eludes me is why this glorified horde mode doesn't even let you play in co-op, a mode like this was made with multiplayer in mind so why not at least give it as an option? This whole DLC feels so slapdash together it's pathetic they expect $10 for this. The Genkibowl DLC from SR3 was 5 dollars and you pretty much got what this DLC would've given you, a piss poor expansion of a mode you played in the base game. But at least Genkibowl was 5 dollars