Reviews from

in the past

Despite how short they are, I was pleasantly surprised to see how much variety the missions themselves had compared to the base game. Still not good, but hey at least it's a bit better than before I guess.

Missions weren't all that great, but at least the new part of the map was amazing. Sucks that it only really got used for this.

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

Double the length and halve the price, then you've got yourself a pretty worthwhile pack here. Imo though for a day or two it's still an easy winner - blowing through enemies with the Pain & Gain and doing improved wingsuit challenges in the (super gorgeous) new district is an effortless blast. Though as it stands, this is still fun but staggeringly paltry - featuring missions that just feel like weaker versions of the ones from the base game, of which I remain a defender in spite of all its shortcomings, and a piss-easy stealth angle. Any section involving the other three new Saints feels tossed-off, like they're already trying hard to get rid of these guys. Even still, actor brain is never a low-hanging fruit in this day and age - and this isn't a terrible diagnosis, James Arnold Taylor is hilarious as a Vin Diesel parody. Strange they didn't do more to lampoon GTA V given the clear parallels here, but at this rate it's clear I'm already asking too much. Heavily flawed but honestly still glad this exists.

Recently I saw the SR Reboot season pass was 10 bucks so I thought I'd finally play through these DLC missions to see if the team ever listened to criticism thrown at the game, while also using this opportunity to reevaluate my overall thoughts on the base game.

My overall thoughts on this DLC? I beat in 44 minutes and it's pretty much just the base game but with missions that are slightly more fun if not a little too scripted. The new area that the DLC takes place in is pretty neat, I like that we finally have an area in the game that reflects some upper class neighborhoods that kinda ties in with this game's stupid themes. But after you finish the three missions this DLC has the area just kinda goes back to being empty and pointless, it doesn't help that the area is so far detached from the main city you'd never willingly go all the way out there unless you forgot to 100% the area for "true" 100% completion.

I don't know what I should have expected from 10 dollar DLC but all I got was the same game just in a slightly cooler looking area. I thought it would've had more content in it since the DLC missions for SR2 and 4 are sometimes better then the base game with how much new and better stuff they add to the game. Here it's more so just another hour of fun and a new area that you're never gonna return to after finishing the DLC.

Not a very good start to these DLC huh.