Reviews from

in the past

A boat shooting game in which you play the part of a periscope operator on a submarine, ordering missiles to be fired at ships on the horizon. You can't really play this game in its correct form anymore, which presumably links your controls to the periscope you're looking through, leaving you with basically just a regular shooter where you aim left and right and fire off some torpedos.

Surprisingly it's still pretty fun, and the loud booming sound effects are impressive. I like it, in all its simplicity.

3 - Decent: An acceptable, playable game with notable appeal

Vertical shooter made more interesting by the cabinet controller.

I really liked the presentation on this one, despite being a tad too finicky for my taste. Playing these games it soon becomes clear that Midway was becoming the first real competitor of Atari in an era where Atari had to make up its own competition to avoid being accused of being a monopoly.


Me gustó la presentación de este juego, a pesar de tener unos controles demasiado estrictos para mi gusto. Al jugar a estas cosas, me queda claro que Midway se fue el primer competidor serio de Atari en un momento en el que tenía que inventarse su competencia para evitar que la acusaran de prácticas monopolísticas.

Um shooter vertical com um tiro lento como uma lesma e sem variedade de gameplay, que sempre é a mesma coisa.

Nota: 3/10 (★☆) - Muito ruim