Reviews from

in the past

This game ate my homework and my life.

I have played this game for like 150 hours and still am not totally sure what I'm doing


gandhi, you've done it again, i say while my insides evaporate from the nuclear radiation

Great writing and excellent gameplay depth and strategy.

yeah probably the best strategy out there

massive timewaster. i play it for like DAYS in bursts like once a year LOL

200 hours is enough for me. I loved my time with it, but it's time to move on from Civ. I may pick it back up again later.

I read on Kotaku that, with the Brave New World expansion pack, this game is pretty good.

I love fucking up my friends by bribing the AI to wage proxy wars on them for me

top tier jogos foda de estrategia mto bom

Better than VI, but inferior to IV.

This right here, this is my digital drug

the most addicting gameplay imaginable

A game so good that millions upon millions of players have started games, got to turn 100, and then quit, over and over and over and over and over and over again.

The best turn-based strategy game I've ever played

Taught me more about history than the British education system.

I love this game. VI is probably better, but I don't love it like I do V.

few games are as easy to sink an entire day (or week... or month... or lifetime) into

yeah i have 500 on this. fuck yeah

I've never laughed harder playing a game than when I played this with a friend and named all my cities "Fart Town" and "Peepee City"

im too dumb for normal strategy games so this is good :)

Wasted too much of my life on this game, love it

This game is only fun when I cheat

Among my favorite games of all time and for good reason as I could easily spent another thousand hours playing the ever living hell out of this game.

you want to battle wits? see who’s the real pacifist?

workshop let me play as bowser

Just one more turn... What can I say? It's very easy to get lost in time when playing this game.