Reviews from

in the past

This game/simulator is solid. It contains over 10 billion galaxies which gives you a large universe to explore. The graphics are also really good.

I honestly think that playing this game is what experiencing transcendence feels like.

Absolutely ground-breaking space sim. If you're a fan of astrophysics and science then you'll LOVE this. Jaw dropping

You will spend hours just looking at things

I tried playing this when it first released after keeping up with the games development for months and when I finally gave it a go, it terrified me for some reason. I found out then that I have some weird phobia for outer space or something, because playing this made me feel super anxious and uncomfortable. Ended up refunding it after that.

Our minds turn simple 3D balls on a screen into wonderful and frightening celestial objects.
A feat of the brain, not the game.

not really a game but if you love space its a must try

Fun space facts: Growing up in the middle east and in school, we pronounced Uranus as "Oranos" and I spent my whole life saying it that way, until realizing when I was about 15 or so that it's pronounced "Your anus."

With that fun space fact in mind, this is a great space simulator. Absolutely massive and beautiful, big recommend.

Fuck this "game". It made me truly realize how small we are in the universe.

An absolutely amazing space simulator. The way that this game manages to simulate literal trillions of bodies seemlessly is ridiculous, and they have everything you could ever want, even stuff like rouge planets and Wolf-Rayet stars.

With all that in mind the quality of representation isn't completely consistent. Galaxies and real nebula are rendered a lot worse than the absolutely phenomenal planetary systems and terrain. However, I'm willing to forgive this since the game is still in beta.

Also suffers from being incredibly buggy, crashing sometimes several times per session or when doing stuff as simple as opening menus.

It's a procedurally generated universe simulator that's based on actual science. Space engine can generate some incredible sights, from alien planets with great landscape to black holes colliding, you will find everything here.
You can travel the cosmos at 300 light years per second and there is "virtually" no limit to how much you can explore.
It even has inbuilt search tools that can find planets that support single celled or even complex life.
You can also fall into a gas giant.

Also has great ambient music from some underrated artists. A must play for anyone that likes space.

A calming yet fascinating realistic Universe simulator, It does get boring after a while though, but I really recommend it for those who haven't tried it out nonetheless, the older versions in the website are free.

The scariest horror game of all time

Not really a game, but a must-have for anyone even tangentially interested in astronomy.

No other program scales the universe properly. Nothing else will give you an accurate depiction of the vast majority of the world. Nothing else works better as a wallpaper camera.