Reviews from

in the past

A fairly short Operation Wolf style rail shooter. For 1990 some good destruction and scrolling effects and the brief story has some funny moments between stages. Your weapon fires full auto without a need to reload and you can launch a rocket that destroys everything on the screen and stops attacks at you but that will also hit civilians and lose you health if they are around. Good music. You probably won't have died that much by the end but it also isn't much of a fair challenge as the number of enemies on the screen combined with the amount of hits things take and the somewhat slow rate of fire your automatic weapon shoots at can make it extremely difficult to avoid damage, even more so during parts where multiple enemies appear at the same time and you would just need to know which shoots first to avoid taking hits.


Aesthetically fun, very similar to Beast Busters but a bit easier. Overall a fine light gun experience that doesn't jump out at you but does pass the time in a fun way.