Reviews from

in the past

So i officially dropped the Suicide Squade, played 4 chapters out of 7, and got nothing positive to say.
This game is totally utterly a disgrace to all the Rocksteady previous works.

The VISUALS are bland af there is no distinctive artstyle like ARKHAM games, and fedelity wise its pretty mid looking compare to other games even Arkham Knight.

The GAMEPLAY is a downgrade the traversal the gunplay the abilities the progression everything is
mindnumbingly brainless its like i'm on autopilot when i play this game, compared to ARKHAM games where every hit every counter feels satisfying, the traversal was engaging and challenging and it was most of all FUN

STORY ohh boi out of my 4-6 hours of playtime i can say only 10 mints were worth it, story wise one scene with Baatman other one with WW cuz that interaction was legit funny af. The story feel generic af, the writing is mid the character although have some moments can end up feeling like annoying.
And had one boss fight against flash and big GUN both were pretty mid.

The MISSION DESIGN AND STRUCTURE fuck this lame ass generic ass bullshit live service mission design, go protect this kill same enemies go destroy these same tower that u been destroying for the past 5 hours, The open world is empty no life in it, is filled with bunch of generic live service things to do.
every combat encounter feel the same no variety what so ever same purple glowy enemies man

What a fucking pathetic mess of a game this shit is

A lot better than I was expecting it to be. While the open world content and side missions are nowhere near the same quality as Rocksteady's previous entry in the Arkham franchise...I found the story to be enjoyable and MAKE SENSE.

This game has been run absolutely ragged by an unfair hate train focused solely on the fate of a certain character, clearly by people that haven't even played the game.

The fate of said character makes complete sense within the context of the events of the story, and is clearly set up to be expanded upon in future seasons.

Its Mid 😢
The story is empty, the bosses are not interesting, the story ending is unsatisfying
Disappointing because its not as good as any arkham game🥺

like 6 hours in and i really like the gameplay but the boss fights are super underwhelming. personally i like this game alot but are very aware of its flaws which makes it like a 7/10 overall but gameplay wise a 9

Enjoyable in co-op, but full of bugs, unstable framerate and dull story. At the end the game crashed. I played the with @EvilPhimie via coop online.