Reviews from

in the past

Love this game, literally one of the greatest platformers ever

thank you god for this game

Maybe the most perfect game out there, especially this Mario All-Stars remaster. The way Mario controls is the best he’s been in 2-D, with a high skill ceiling but no barrier of entry like the unusual momentum mechanics in the original game. The level design is varied and memorable so that each stage really drills its way into your brain. This is helped by great art direction that shifts in unique ways from world to world while still retaining a overarching identity. I could go on!!!

Objectivley great just like the NES version, but I personally prefer the NES artstyle more.

Um colírio após o Bros. 2. Um jogo que esbanja carisma, personalidade, gráficos lindos, mecânicas espetaculares. Muito bom.
Gamethon 4/16

Facilmente um dos melhores jogos da época.

o Dark Souls dos jogos do Mario kkk - Jornagames

Português: O original é melhor e tem bem mais charme por assim dizer, além da coloração nas últimas fases que ficaram bem feias
English: The original is better, it has much more charm, and the coloring of this version of the game is pretty ugly.

I can't really say more about Mario 3 than I already have before, but this version is just as good as the NES version. The new graphics help the background pop out way more and the remixed themes are incredible.

I loved it when Mario said "WAHOO" and wahooed all over Bowser 3 times.

Eis aqui um dos poucos jogos do nintendinho que realmente envelheceram como vinho.

meu mario favorito quando era criança.

via Nintendo Switch Online Entertainment System

Gonna be honest, there's no way I would've gotten through this without using suspend points. I used to play this game as a kid all the time on Wii through Super Mario All-Stars but I never made it past World 2. I was finally determined to actually get past that point and finish the game and I'm very glad I did. Despite the fact that I had to play as Mario (and not Luigi since I was in one-player mode) it was still plenty fun. My favorite Mario game will always be New Super Mario Bros. and you can really see the influence this game had on the franchise to eventually evolve into that game. This is definitely my favorite game out of the original trilogy. Maybe one day I can come back to it and play through without suspend points haha.

makes super mario bros., the single most important game of all time, look like a basic proof of concept by comparison

A nice evolution on the original Super Mario Bros. For an NES game it's honestly amazing how tall some of the levels are and the new power ups were a lot of fun. That being said I feel as though a lot of levels end just as they're getting started so they never really get to fully explore some of these level gimmicks as much as I would have liked - might have to do with hardware limitations but what's here is still really solid

Yeah this is a good ass game. I was surprised at first by how short the levels were but that's just because every level is a small, highly condensed injection of pure creativity and joy before moving on to the next idea. W game

Num geral eu acho esse jogo bem mais impressionante até que o World, e essa versão de SNES só reforça essa minha visão. O que esse jogo faz é um esculacho; transforma o jogo mais influente que já existiu em só uma agulha em um palheiro. O escopo das fases são bem menores se comparado ao primeiro, mas elas tem uma densidade elevadíssima. A única coisa que eu não gosto desse jogo são as fases de água, e eu acho que fases de água só são tão odiadas na indústria por causa desse jogo. Ou não. Sei lá. Talvez eu seja ruim

(Gayathon #5 de 16)


this game has more enemy variety than all the NSMB games combined

Review in progress:
One of the best 2D platformers ever made. The amount of creativity/variety in the levels and power-ups is impressive, especially for an NES game. There are so many hidden areas and secrets to uncover! The difficulty curve is just right. Unlike Super Mario World, it gets challenging near the end.

My only complaint is with the bosses. Bosses have always been the weakest aspect of the Mario series, and Super Mario Bros. 3 is no exception. They all die way too quickly and feel mechanically similar to each other. Three hits is not enough.

Um dos jogos do Mario que eu mais joguei, e minha mãe adora tbm! É incrível

I played the NES version back when I thought them as 'good for their times but near unplayable for today', over the years my opinion changed. Yes most of them were too frustrating to play but I also played fun games like Batman (1989), Moon Crystal, Kirby's Adventure, etc and I always thought about this game because at that time it didn't felt right to me. Slippery controls, weird momentum, bad enemy placements, water levels that are literal torture, etc. but after playing some NES games that are actually fun I knew that I had to give this game one more chance but of course, I postponed it again and again and again. Recently I was looking into my SNES backlog and I saw the All Stars and started this game right away. I still think those things that I didn't like are still present in this game but this time I loved it because I saw the harmony in the game. What I'm trying to say is on paper this game has a lot of flaws but everything works great with each other. I can't say it works perfectly because I still think water levels and enemy placements are shit but other than that everything works just fine in a magical way and believe me when I say 'magical' I mean it, as a person who avoids using labels I just can't think of any other word that can describe this game better than magical.

Man oh man...mario 3...the lord of vibes in its charm and tunes, mechanically sound with motions stirring nostalgic values that puts a jingle to my soul.

A wild and varied mario time with the right dose of challenge.
Levels veering from short to grand, perfectly highlighting in contrast what works and doesn't as slow autoscrollers and mazes strikes a pose to dull some glimmer of this platformers natural shine.