Reviews from

in the past

Really this should lose points for me having to generate three seeds before I got one I was skilled enough to complete, but that was (probably) a skill issue, so I’ll let it pass.

Personal advice is to keep sword and morph ball set to early, just to keep the two most frustrating issues resolved, and to download a copy of the seed info for if you get truly stumped on where one of the two most essential items are (varia suit and lamp). Beyond that, just go wild. Zelda becomes an exciting open adventure where you’re tearing your brain apart trying to remember where every chest is, to the point of going from noble hero to a manic treasure hunter. Super Metroid transforms from sequential exploration of areas unlocked by abilities to the game everyone already treats it as, this perfect set of sequence breaks and clever workarounds so that you can get anywhere at all, and scrabble a reward or two out of some truly wibbly acrobatics.

You will, by the way, become an expert at wall jumping this way. I never had to in the original, so wiring that split second timing between direction and jump button deep into my brain sent me straight back to the high single digits, age-wise, marvelling at strange space creatures trying to teach me something I couldn’t quite understand.

The team who built this randomiser deserve all the love in the world, especially for the aesthetic choices available for your characters. I opted for Mega Man X in both settings because I’m a huge mark for the blue bomber, but knowing you can be Sans Undertale is a nice feeling.

An essential game to play for fans of either game, and I’m delighted I got through it.

Now to play it again and again on different seeds. Maybe I’ll suck it up and let the sword and morph ball be wherever.

our two children are now grown up and together in a big epic game made for long time fans!

Here’s a question literally nobody would ever ask, why did I even want to play A Link to the Past? This right here is the answer. Pure randomizer goodness baby, except when the seed I played was total trash. Seriously, who expects me to do suitless Maridia to get to Mama Turtle without hi-jump because fuck you, the answer is me and I did it just to prove myself and I feel SO damn good about finishing that seed. I’m just that amazing at Super Metroid.

I seriously love randomizers. Over the past couple months I’ve been playing tons of Super Metroid randos, solo and multiworld. SMZ3 always interested me and thanks to a certain friend invading my home, I finally forced myself to play A Link to the Past. Good game on its own, but I think it shines most in randomizer, especially when paired here with Super Metroid. It deepens both games immensely, not just because items from Super Metroid can be in ALTTP and vice versa, but also due to the routing opportunities it creates. Sometimes to get to where you want to go in Super Metroid, it can be faster to go through ALTTP for example. Or the fact that you can get to Misery Mire through Lower Norfair, negating the need for the Flute or the Titan’s Mitts. This is a huge rec if you’re at all experienced with both of these games, turning both on their head and giving a really fresh experience both randos alone might not provide.

Rest of this is a sort of diary on how my first seed of this went, so if you’re uninterested you can stop right here!

For reference, my settings were hard logic for Super Metroid, sword and morph anywhere, and 4 crystals needed to open Ganon’s Tower. If you’re a Super Metroid veteran like I am, these are the best settings for you and might even give you a nice challenge as it did me! Also, definitely use a tracker. A link to the past is insanely difficult to deal with without one.

The game always starts in super metroid, and I really didn’t get much there, so off it was to ALTTP. And so began an hour and a half long hunt for Morph, which I found at the buried flute spot, one of the last places I could have checked. Past this dogshit start (as my friend in call with me at the time called it), it was pretty smooth sailing for a bit. That was until I ran out of checks to do in both Super Metroid and ALTTP, or so I thought. My only choice was one I hadn’t considered, being Maridia, suitless and hi-jumpless. And so began my hour of pain, trying to get to Mama Turtle while freezing crabs and fish and doing precise springball double jumps to climb to the top of Main Street. Once I got there, grabbing the Magic Mirror was trivial. What wasn’t trivial, however, was the exit from mama turtle. Only having 75 health and no gravity suit, any hit would kill me, and considering plasma was behind the Master Sword check (hilarious by the way), I had no ability to kill the pink pirates. Needless to say, I died. A lot. Spending so long trying different jumps to get out of the literal hole I was stuck in. Finally, I escaped the hole and at that point, I was basically in go mode. All I had to do was find a couple more items, which all happened to be easily accessible behind the Magic Mirror. Finding Gravity Suit was basically the last big hurdle to get over, and it was found quite easily once I had Speed Booster from King’s Tomb in ALTTP. I finished Super Metroid first, and then finished ALTTP. I’m seriously proud of myself for pulling through that suitless maridia bullshit, I didn’t know I had that level of skill at SM, and being able to realize that was honestly great, and I felt really accomplished when I finished the seed after like. 8 hours. Here are my results if you're curious!

Don't play this one as much but its still such a cool idea that I gotta give a 4 1/2 stars.