Reviews from

in the past

Super Pachinko portrays with simple pixel art and presumably easy Japanese the sad and difficult life of a dedicated Pachinko player. The game begins with the main character roused by an irritating alarm, and first thing after getting out of bed--in a house with no kitchen or bathroom--driving on down to the Pachinko parlor. As you gamble away what presumably small amount of money you have left, the Pachinko machine displays the in-game time. One can become fully immersed in the difficult perseverance of a late stage gambling addict and watch the hours drain away with your bank account. I am unsure how to evaluate the Pachinko mechanics, and I can't read japanese so I'm just assuming my read on the story is right but I can't imagine they did much else.

I find pachinko a bit boring but the art in this is beautiful. Also a fun take on these games by adding RPG like elements.