Reviews from

in the past

Being my first Super Robot Wars game and first OG game, it was a lot of fun.

The biggest problem with the game is the garbage translation. The Original Generation series is pretty heavy with lore and references to previous games, and there's a keyword system that provides summaries and definitions for these terms when they come up. As this was marketed as an entry point to newcomers AND was the first OG game to be officially translated in English in years, this keyword system is undoubtedly a very important thing to have, but the translation sucks. Literal translations of weapon names and most lines not having ending periods at all make the story hard to follow.

Gameplay was fine. Animations are beautiful but SR points can be annoying and are dependent on RNG at times. Custom upgrade bonuses for units also being unlocked when maxing out their stats feel unfair to me, as upgrade costs get expensive the higher you go, and in the early-game this is especially troublesome when many upgrade bonuses are simple QOL changes that make some units much better to use.

Good options with a lot of units, unite attacks, assist options, and formations. Good combat animations, with a lot of nice cooperative attacks. Strange ability system that requires using three of the same ability equipped to get them to activate. A lot of ugly units in the OG series, with a lot of dull regular and unique enemies. Some optional objectives are heavily luck based. Dull story and characters. Frequent translation problems, some lines don't make sense. Terrible final two missions.


What if OG Gaiden came out four whole years after OGs, but still cockteased you and dicked around setting shit up for later instead of doing anything actually substantial? That's what Moon Dwellers essentially is. OGG gets a bit of a pass considering it only came out like 6 months after OGs, but there's a whole four year gap (I guess more like three if you count Dark Prison) between 2ndOGs and MD. They really don't do hell of a lot in this game - after juggling ten million different things in the previous game, MD only really features J and GC, padding out the rest with original enemies called Lamalice (who are a fucking pain in the ass to fight) tied into the Dark Brain Generals. We get meager scraps of Alpha 3 foreshadowing when they really could have just done it this game. Half of the game just feels like filler with what feels like endless stages of just fighting Lamalice over and over. The pacing is all fucked up because they give you 90% of the cast before Stage 20 out of 47, leaving you with too little deploy slots for most of the game and very little to actually look forward to getting once you get to the midgame. Compared to 2ndOGs's excellent pacing where it always felt like you were getting new shit every stage with so many things happening everywhere, MD just really feels like chaff. The gameplay is fine, and essentially identical to 2ndOGs - the animations and music are about on par too, the relatively small amount of new shit they give you this game IS still really damn good as per OG expectations. I just can't help but feel that this game could have been so much more than it is.

oh yeah the fucking translation's hilarious, quality ranging from stilted, dry, yet passable enough english, to WHAT A DAMN ITTY OPERATOR DOING HERE AMEBA YARO SUCH WORDS EVEN I COULD...? only a complete damn mashed sweetened chestnut fella could have been behind this dumpster fire

My first experience with the series, had no idea what I was getting into at all. Couldn't fully wrap my head around the combat system which is probably my fault but the attack animations were insanely cool. I think I'll try a more recent entry into the series with a stronger localisation and see if it grabs me.