Reviews from

in the past

Picked it up on impulse when it released on PS4 since it was so cheap. I didn't like SAO at all prior to that, but the game is so wildly ambitious, constantly trying things it just knows it can't pull off, and ultimately gets enough right that I love the shit out of it.

This was a meh way to make you feel like you were in SAO's universe, mostly cuz of its gameplay. Also the English translations were literal lol-worthy.

I don't know how one manages to take a concept like SAO and just suck all personality whatsoever out of it. It's criminal really.

my fucking dumb ass got so suckered in by the concept of sword art online's first season that I was like ye deffo getting this. Like SAO this game was a steaming pile of ass

This was honestly pretty fun. I never got around to actually finishing it due to its length, but it's a pretty fun single-player MMO. The mechanic of being able to have your AI companion behave a certain way by praising specific actions enough times until they sort of reclass was REALLY cool (also their outfit changed!). The Hollow Area being one big open area with really dangerous enemies was also pretty damn sweet. The wide-array of weapons you can use shocked me. In this, you aren't just stuck with Kirito's usual dual swords, but 9 different weapon types (Scimitars are excellent btw). The English translation is, very clearly, machine translated and made for some pretty amusing dialogue at times. There's also "pillow talk" CGs that are some decent fan-service. I did not at all care about the story, because it's SAO, but the girls are still cute and I was able to mostly ignore it. Lisbeth is LisBEST.

This seemed more of a VN rather than an RPG game. I wouldn't recommend this game but the CG and the side stories are good for people that are fans of the series. but as a game, not really good

An hour of my life I will never get back.

One of the first games that i bought on psvita. Huge content but so its the time required to finish the game